Monday, April 8, 2013

I am bad a blogging.

Yeah, I know.
I missed you guys too.
And I know that you know that I'm just gonna go on a little ramble about how busy I've been and how much I've been working and all that, but honestly all ya'all know how it goes so I'll save you the time.

But pretty much my life has been a combination of this::::

And this:::::::


And at the end of each day I pretty much do this::::::::::

So.. yeah.
I will definitely make it a point to blog more though.
Umm.. I hope.

Congrats to Ri and Ems for being so AMAZING at Meatless Mondays!!!!
I do love them oh-so-much, and it tickles my heart with joy when they do such things.

I really do miss you all... There are LOTS of changes going on in my life right now (which are currently top secret..... sorry!) and they make me busy and frustrated.  But I love you all dearly, and don't forget you can always always always always email me at  (However there are no guarantees that I check my email regularly..)

Have the best day ever!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Chillin' at home :)

Hey guy.. sorry about lazy blogging lately.... I've been dang busy!!
But I've sure missed all ya'all, so it's great to be back. :)
It's currently spring break, which mostly means I spend every waking hour at work.
Today, however, I'm at my Brigham house visiting my parents and getting my car all tuned up. :D
This is how I feel right now::

My posts have been super boring lately because I've been super boring lately.
But if you're still reading this, then THANK YOU! 
You are awesomesauce.
Gosh.. my computer is having a heart attack or something.
Ima go.
Have a good night.
I borrowed your picture.
Credit goes to you.  Thanks a million!
<3/LJ :)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Some pizza stuff

Hey, blog readers. :)

Sorry I've been gone for the last few days.. I've been working like a crazy person and sleeping in all my other free time.  Lame, I know.

Since I've just been at work, then work is all I have to talk about.  So here goes:

I really like my job in Bountiful and I work dang hard at it. :)  I have an amazing friend there who we're going to call Platonic Husband (I'll explain the name in a future blog post) and he is a super fantastic individual.
I spend all day making pizza and talking to customers and things like that, which I think is quite fun.  [[[One of these days I'll show all ya'all what I do in a day at work..]]]

Here's some stuff from my pizza life::

Today one of our cooks worked his poor little bottom off in our Friday rush, so he was all tired and stuff.  And anytime someone is tired at a pizza place, it means it's time for the fail whale to come for a visit and make people screw up.
The cook stretched out a pizza and sauced it, but accidentally skipped the cheese and started putting pepperoni in the sauce.  When he finally noticed (he had topped almost half the pizza before that happened) he laughed so much that I managed to snap a picture before he could put up a fight.

Gross.. those are yucky to fix.
Silly cook.
That's all I have to say today, because I'm not interesting.
But I sure hope you have a good weekend. :)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Failure of Humanity

Would someone like to explain to me what the world is coming to??

I got friended
On Facebook
By a cat.

For real??

Biscuits the cat has had a Facebook since Wednesday (2 days ago!!) and he already has 72 friends.
What a little loserface.

I do think that it's somewhat funny, however definitely a sign of humanity failing. :)

Have a good day.

Friday, March 1, 2013

I'm turning into a slob :/

Hey blog readers,

I feel like it's morning, because I just woke up.  I don't have class on Friday and didn't have to get up for work until now, so I've been sleeping like it's nobody's business.

I'm turning into a slob.
I'm currently eating fruity pebbles.  And setting the bowl of fruity pebbles on my stomach instead of on my beside table inbetween bites so I can type.
But it's not really a bowl I've been eating out of.  I haven't done dishes in a while because I'm a lazy loser, so I'm eating out of a tupperware container.
And I didn't have any clean spoons so I tried to wash one with dish soap in my bathroom sink.

I found this at my job the other day, and decided to show all ya'all the awesomeness before I washed it off.. so here you go:::

I'm gonna go get ready for work, so I'll see all ya'all tomorrow!!
By the way, tomorrow is a VERY special day.. 20 awesome points to whoever guesses what it is!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A short story

Here is a story for you::::::::

Once upon a time, I typed a blog post in this spot.  Then I looked over it about 30 seconds ago and decided that it was one of the dumbest posts I've ever written, and it was quite pointless.  (Like a dull pencil :D)
So then I deleted all of that and wrote this instead.
The end.

Sorry for sucking at blogging lately.
