Thursday, February 23, 2012

Green Eggs and Ham FAKE!!!!

I went to Walmart today because I felt inspired to buy some Dr. Seuss books.
There's a bunch of them on sale, probably in honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday, which is March 2nd.
So I bought Dr. Seuss's ABC, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, and Green Eggs and Ham.
But when I came home, I looked inside Green Eggs and Ham and found something TERRIBLY wrong with it.

Here's what the cover looks like:

And here's what the inside looked like:

Yeah, that's not Green Eggs and Ham!!
That's Go Dog Go.  (by the way, Go Dog Go is NOT a Dr. Seuss book.  Everyone thinks it is, but it's not.  It's written by P.D. Eastman, who I'm sure is wonderful but is not nearly as amazing or talented as Dr. Seuss.)
They put the wrong book in such a lovely cover.  (I do not like that, Sam I am!)
Fortunately, I kept my receipt.
So tomorrow I will demand (or maybe request nicely) a new copy of Green Eggs and Ham.
Until then, Go Dog Go is hidden from my angry scowls in the bottom of my sock drawer.

Have a green eggs and ham day.

Love, Laura

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Nerd Emma!!

Nerds are awesome, just wanna let you know.
So to celebrate nerds, I'm showing all of you this lovely picture I found of my dear friend Emma, who is also a fellow nerd.
(this will be removed if she protests so feast upon it while you can)

So go be a nerd, and you will achieve beauty and smartness just like Emma.

Have a stupendous day.
Love, Laura

End of 2nd trimester blues :/

Hey guys.  Guess what.
It's nearly the end of the 2nd trimester of my senior year.
This is a major problem, because despite how nerdy I am, I've actually been blowing off lots of work in the name of college preparation recently.
So I have a ton of assignments to get done before the end of the trimester. :P
Hopefully this doesn't completely screw up my GPA... I'm a little bit worried.

Here's the thing:
Each night for like the last week, I say to myself "Laura, you have lots of work to do.  How will you survive medical school if you keep being such a bum and doing nothing?  Go buy yourself a diet Coke, stay up all night, and get your homework done."
So then I go buy myself a diet Coke and I get all ready to stay up all night doing homework.
But there's a problem.  My parents hate me staying up late, and if they had their way I would be in bed at 8 every night.  So I can't let them catch me staying up.
So between like 10 and 11 each of these nights, I've pretended to be asleep until my parents fell asleep.
But then I've just fallen asleep every night.
So I haven't gotten any homework done.

Tonight, I will stay up.
Better go buy myself a diet Coke.

Love, Laura

Friday, February 17, 2012

Coloring book of awesome nerdiness!!

I bought the coolest thing!!
It's a coloring book, but it's entirely designed for little nerds! :D
I should've had this when I was a kid, cause I could've been even nerdier than I am now.
This is pretty much the cutest thing since unicorns turned pink.
Here's a picture:

Isn't it wonderful?
There's famous scientists and cells and atoms and dinosaurs and all sorts of other awesome stuff!!
I am completely in love with my nerdy coloring book :)

Want one for yourself?
Head on over to Nerdy Baby and pick one up. :D
I think this site is darling and I will definitely be buying more nerd stuff in the future.

Have a super nerdy day!!!!

Love, Laura

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Went home sick today after 1st hour.  Then it turned out I wasn't really all that sick; I was just really really hungry.  I gotta stop missing school.
While I was sick, two people came to my house and brought me Diet Coke.  I have fantastic friends. :)
Got called into work, then I only worked for like an hour and got sent home.
But instead of going home, I went to my dear friend Mandi's house.
I had dinner with her and her dad (who is oftentimes my dad as well because he's wonderful), and now they are watching American Idol while I blog.
So now I'm just chilling and enjoying how I'm not making pizza all night.
That's pretty much it.

Congrats to Tristan and Ashley on their engagement!! :D
(Way back in the day, Tristan told me he was never gonna get married and I told him he was.... guess I'm still always right! :D)

Have a super-duper day!!  (I say that to customers at work.. sometimes it makes them really happy and sometimes they just look at me funny :P)

Love, Laura

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Insurance deductibles??

Here's a question for you:

Which of the following would be considered a high deductible?
A. $100
B. $250
C. $1000
D. $1500

If you said D, then you are ABSOLUTELY LOGICAL but apparently ABSOLUTELY WRONG!!!!

Here's what happened.
I have this other teacher, who we're gonna call Mrs. Devilface.  **cough cough Mrs. McKee cough**  Mrs. Devilface teaches my financial literacy class, wherein I sit next to those stupid volleyball girls.  So over the last couple days we've learned a bunch of stuff about insurance; ie, what it is and why it's important to have it.

So today I was taking my test on insurance and I got this question.  Mrs. Devilface says that the correct answer is C, but here is my reasoning.
Sure, $1000 is a high deductible.  And if I were looking at potential insurance policies and I saw one had a $1000 deductible, I would say "Wow, I consider that to be a high deductible."  But if I saw one that had a $1500 deductible, I would say "Mercy, that is a freaking high deductible!!  Do these people think I have $1500 dollars to dish over every time I scrape the paint on my car?!?"
Because $1500 is OBVIOUSLY what would be considered a high deductible out of those answer choices!!

But honestly, I wish they had like $10 deductibles or something.  So personally I consider all of those choices to be high deductibles.

I just might go talk to the pricipal or something.  Some of you non-nerds may make fun of me for being a whiner-baby, but I want those 5 points.

Have a good day.  Buy insurance, cause it's worth it.  (unless you have a $1500 deductible and a $1499 crash)
Love, Laura

Saturday, February 11, 2012

My paper chain :P

So, for the past few weeks I've been making a chain out of colored construction paper and gift wrap tape in my small amount of free time.  Today I finished it and it is now ready to serve its purpose.

Remember the paper chains you made in December of elementary school, with one link for every day until Christmas?  Well my chain is just like that (but not quite as cheery) because there is one link fore every day until graduation. (109 days total)  Some people may think of this like their childhood Christmas chains, anxiously watching the chain slowly grow shorter, but I don't think about it that way.  The chain is a vicious reminder to myself that I have a whole bunch of stuff to get done and not that much time to do it.  Maybe it'll help me out.  Maybe I'll just have a mental breakdown.

I've been often described with words in the category of "obsessive-compulsive" or "anal retentive"... ya know, that kind of thing.  So when I hung up my chain, (it's hung kind of like Christmas garland) I hung it by each pink link (there is 1 pink link for every 11 links in the chain) and I hung them each exactly 1 foot apart.  It took a long time, but just so ya'all know, it looks awesome.

Here's some other non-chain-related stuff for you to know:

I went to work today and I guess everyone secretly decided that it would be awesomely fun to be really mean to me.  So everyone was being way bossy and critical of me, and I swear I almost ripped my hair out in frustration.  Bleh.

I sort of cleaned my room today.  You might not think it looks nice, but it's a huge improvement from what it was before so I'm loving it.  I also washed my laundry, so I once again have a decent choice of clothing each day.  (For the last week I've been wearing only pajamas or striped T-shirts to school :P)

Mandi did something she shouldn't have.  I don't know how she'd feel about me writing about it, but perhaps someday I will.  In the meantime, feel free to come up with wild guesses as to what Mandi did.

I pretty much stayed up all night last night, so I feel like yuck.

Love, Laura

Friday, February 10, 2012

Really tall volleyball-playing blonde girls :P

Hey guys.
I'm at school right now, in financial literacy.
And I would like ya'all to know that I'm already financially literate, so I don't really need this class.

Ya know those really tall volleyball-playing blonde girls?
Well I'm sitting next to a bunch of them.
Please do not take offense if you're a really tall volleyball-playing blonde girl, but I think that really tall volleyball-playing blonde girls are STUPID.  They just sit around and gossip about the boys they like and how they did in the last volleyball game and how smart they think they are.  (but they're not smart, cause they're not nerds.)  They're the kind of people who pretend to have a lazy day by wearing sweats or pj pants to school, but they still curl their hair and wear makeup with it.  Volleyball shouldn't exist.

I also kind of hate them because some people are under the impression that I am one of them.  Here's the lowdown.


I'm actually kinda smart
I'm only 5'4"
I don't play volleyball (see here)
I don't waste my time being stupid

There's probably a lot more differences than that, but those are the important ones.
That's why I'm a nerd and not a really tall volleyball-playing blonde girl.

Be happy today.
Love, Laura

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Why I'm not in school right now

Dear blog readers,

If you look at the date and time on this post, you will notice that it is Tuesday, February 7, 1:48 PM.  (just kidding... it'll take me a few minutes to finish typing all this.  But that's what time it is now.)  So if you live in 21st century America (or pretty much anywhere else in the world wherein they have Internet and enough free time to read blogs like this) then you should know that on nearly every non-summer Tuesday at 1:48 PM, 16 year old children should be attending some form of school or another.  If you are wondering, "why isn't Laura in school?" then kudos to you for your 21st century smarts. :)

Here's why I'm not in school.  My 5th hour class is physics, and in that class is one of the worst teachers ever.  To protect her from cyber bullying, I am going to avoid using her name.  **cough cough** Mrs. Roberts **cough cough**..... excuse me, I must be coming down with a cold.  So for her privacy, we are going to give her a completely random name, so ya'all will know who I'm talking about.  But then if said teacher happens upon my blog one day, all she'll say is "gosh, what an awful teacher" instead of, "what a repulsive child.  I'm going to drop her grade."

So we're going to call her Mrs. Satan, for privacy purposes.  Mrs. Satan taught my chemistry class last year and she teaches my physics class this year.  If you were to meet her, the first thing you'd notice about her is that she thinks she's really funny but she's not.  Like, at all.  I've never laughed at a single thing she's said.  But there's so much more to Mrs. Satan than what appears on the surface.  She gives us long lists of formulas to copy down but never explains them, and she gives us long homework assignments that I can't figure out for the life of me.  She's bossy and whiney, and when we ask her for help she just does the problem for us so we don't learn anything.  We do labs that she doesn't properly explain, and when kids ask questions she sometimes just ignores them.  Her tests have an average score of 74%, and to some of you that may sound pretty good, but this is a class full of 4.0 students.  The smartest students I know are struggling in her class, not because physics is a hard subject, but because she is one of the most useless people I have ever met.

So I have a physics test today.  My parents are equally as unfond of Mrs. Satan as I am, so they let me sluff it so I can study with my dad (who will actually teach me something, unlike some people) and I'll just take it tomorrow.  And now I guess I'm sluffing 6th hour too, because I should've gone back to school by now but I haven't.

So that's why I'm not in school right now.  (But for once, I'm not truant!!  Mom and Dad know where I am :D)

I hope each of you are given better teachers/bosses/etc than Mrs. Satan.
Have a stupendous day.

Love, Laura

How I ended up driving home with no shirt

Here is the story of how I died.
Okay, I didn't really die, but it was pretty close.
Here goes:

So I realized the other day that the deadline for University of Utah scholarships was the day after that one.  (did that make sense??)  So I freaked out and began viciously gathering scholarship material together.  It was quite dreadful.  Then the next day I sluffed school and drove all the stuff to Salt Lake City to turn it in, because the mail couldn't get it there on time.  The University of Utah campus is EXTREMELY confusing to blondies like me, so I got really lost and pretty much drove in circles for hours.  Sucks, right?

But guess what.  I've done this before.  In December, I realized that my Regent's Scholarship paperwork was due in 2 days, so I did pretty much exactly the same thing that I did a few days ago.

I get stressed out really easily, so it's not a good idea for me to procrastinate.  But I do anyway, quite a lot actually.  I ought to hire someone to smack me upside the head every time I want to procrastinate.

Well I didn't die.  At least not yet.  But they say unstressed people live longer than stressed people.  So perhaps I decreased my life span and I just don't know it.

Have an excellent day, and don't put off doing important things like taxes or sleeping or scholarship paperwork.

Love, Laura

Does anyone else put off sleeping?  I think that most people put off other stuff so they can sleep, but I usually put off sleeping so I can do other stuff.  I'm just like, "Mehh, I'll find time to sleep some other day.  Homework is better."