Thursday, January 12, 2012

4 months, 9 days :(

Scroll down.
You need to look between the end of this post and the picture of Steven the giraffe.
If you are observant or looking very hard, you may have noticed that the last time I posted on this blog was September 3, 2011.
That means it has been 4 months and 9 days since I have posted... tragic, right?
4 months and 9 days of life is a lot.  So naturally, I have a lot to talk about.
Unfortunately for you, I'm not going to tell you about the past 4 months and 9 days right now.
That could take a while, and frankly I don't have the time right now.

I will tell you about today though.
Today I am sick.
I have the flu or something.
Some people enjoy sick days, but not nerds like me.
Nerds spend their sick days laying in bed thinking about all the schoolwork that they need to get done.
At least, that's what my kind of nerds do.
So I've been pretty much stressing myself insane all day.
I got up to work on my physics project, but it's going really slow because I feel all groggy.
And my mom didn't help because she brought me this ENORMOUS foot-long chili cheese hot dog.
Upset stomach + giant hot dog = super upset stomach :P

I think I'm gonna go back to bed and think about all the homework I'm not doing.
Have a wonderful day!! :)

Love, Laura

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