Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy birthday Dr. Seuss!! :D

Today is Dr. Suess's birthday, which is also Read Across America day in honor of Dr. Seuss. :)
So all over America, elementary schools are reading and throwing green eggs and ham parties!! (both of which are fantastic things...)
I was supposed to have a green eggs and ham party today, but it turned out to also be the last day of the trimester so I was tying up a bunch of loose ends before final grades went in.
I was also going to buy a birthday cake for him, but I didn't do that either.
That means I'll have to do twice as well next year.
Hold me to that.

I did go buy myself a copy of The Lorax today, halfway cause it's his birthday and halfway because I really wanted one.
It's printed on recycled paper -- the Lorax and Dr. Seuss would be proud of me. :)
The movie of The Lorax also comes out today!!  I hope it's good and not stupid.  I'll probably go see it on Monday and I'll tell ya'all how it is.

Have a happy birthday, Dr. Seuss!!!! :D

(you may not think this looks all that great, but I did it on picnik on a laptop so I'm pretty proud of my self... I suck at using those trackpad things)
(supposed to be a birthday hat on his head, but it didn't fit....)

Love, Laura

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