Thursday, August 16, 2012


I seriously think about this blog all the time.  I was just born to be a procrastinating person.  It's not that I just never thought about posting... In the beginning I just put it off.  Then I was too lazy to write a post about everything I'd done in my life since I'd last posted.  And that's how this monster gap between March and August came to be.  I apologize.

Since I'm lazy, ya'all get the quickie version of my life since March.
Here's what happened.  (May or may not be in chronological order)

  1. Graduated high school :D whoop whoop
  2. Went to Kissimmee, Florida with mi familia
  3. Went to HARRY POTTER LAND!!!!!!!! :):)
  4. Worked a whole freaking ton.
  5. Got yelled at by Miss-Bossy-Pants Manager for working too much... punched a box of pepperoni out of anger and frustration that such a horrible person would be allowed to exist for so long
  6. Did some other cool and not-so-cool stuff
  7. Moved out of mi casa and into my very own sort-of-apartment :D (double whoop whoop)
  8. Ran out of money :/ donations now accepted.
Yeppers.  That's pretty much it.  Oh, did I ever post about my car?  I think so.... I have a new car now.  His name is Artie.  He was born in 1982.  Here is our most common conversation:  (umm this is for dramatic effect and all ya'all should know that I don't actually speak to my car very much)

Laura: "Good morning, Artie! :)"
Artie: "Morning.  You should clean me."
Laura: "Maybe later.  Got places to go."
Artie: "That's what you think!!  I decided I'm not going to start today!! :)"
Laura: "Dang you, Artie.  You'd better start."
Artie: *Makes the 'car trying to start but not succeeding' sound a lot but doesn't start*
Laura: *Looks at car engine.  Realizes she knows nothing about car engines.*
Artie: *Laughs and enjoys making Laura late*
Laura: *Thinks* Perhaps this could be good and I can convince Dad that I need a new car...
Artie: "Just kidding!!!!  I'm going to start now.  I'm just going to make scary sounds and shake when you drive me over 40 mph! :)"
Laura: :(

That dang car.

Here's what I did today:

  1. Woke up at 6 AM
  2. Hit alarm off button
  3. Slept till 10
  4. Showered and stuffs..
  5. Drove to the university and found all my classes.  This was VERY exhausting.
  6. Got a parking permit and a school ID card
  7. Drove home
  8. Cut my finger on a pair of scissors.  Fortunately I'd previously bought some sweet superhero band-aids so now Wolverine is protecting my cut :)
  9. Tried to finish unpacking
  10. Slept
  11. Blogged :)
I decided I'm not too cut out for college life yet.  But hopefully I'll get better at it.  In the meantime, I'm headed home tomorrow to see my dear old friend Cheyenne and pick up some extra hours at my old work.  So while I'm there, I can secretly steal some food from my house and forget about grocery shopping for a while. :)

Here's a picture of me and my two amazing friends graduating!

This is my OCD sandcastle at Cocoa Beach Pier in Florida.

Have a super live-on-your-own-eating-stolen-food day!! :)


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