Sunday, January 27, 2013

No buying things for 1 week?!?!?! :(

Hey, blog readers. :)

I've returned home to the bachelorette pad after a nice visit home and a fairly boring work shift.
I'm in a cleaning mood, and my house it dirty so it seems like a perfect match.  However I'm restraining myself from cleaning because the people I live with are sleeping upstairs and I'm a super noisy person.  (I did finally recycle like 12 soda cans laying around my kitchen though..)
To pass the time until I'm sleepy, I started wasting time on YouTube and stuff.  But then YouTube stopped working (FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS!!) so now I'm blogging. :):)

My goal for the next week is to not buy ANYTHING until next Saturday.  My awesome mom helped out by filling my gas tank this morning, so hopefully I'll have enough food and willpower to make it through the week.  I really like buying things so this is gonna be rough....
This goal is motivated by an underlying aspect... I have like no money.  I came superdy-duper close to overdrafting my checking account today (like 86 cents close!!) so now I have to kick myself in the butt and quit spending money that I don't have.  That means no more Whole Foods organic yumminess for a while and more oriental-flavored top ramen. :(


I'm going to try dang hard to keep posting on my blog.  I have another blog that I had to get for my PRT class (don't even ask for the link... it's so boring!!!!!!) and that lamesauce blog is getting more hits than The Seuss Project.  So if you are reading this, then you should print off the picture below and hang it all over your neighborhood/apartment complex/dorm/school/prison/etc.

Haha if anyone really does this I will personally mail you a handwritten letter about my thoughts on your awesomeness. :)

Stupid internet explorer.. I love it so much but it's not letting me do important bloggy things like posting pictures... I'm tying this in Firefox right now so I could show all ya'all my lovely advertisment flyer.

Sleep tightly tonight and don't let any nasty bedbugs bite you.

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