Thursday, March 1, 2012

What is The Seuss Project?

So I've been posting for a while here, but I haven't realized until just now that I haven't actually explained what The Seuss Project is.
I should probably do that, cause maybe people come to my blog and just say "wtf bye" and leave cause it doesn't make much sense.
The Seuss Project begins with a story:

Once upon a time, it was my sophomore year of high school.  I had a biology class with a marvelous teacher named Mr. Spencer.  One day we were talking about DNA, specifically how adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine.  (If you don't understand what that means, you are not a true nerd.)  He abreviated each word with an appropriate letter.  As he taught us about this, the lecture of "A always pairs with T and C always pairs with G" became silly Spencer reciting "BIG A, little a, what begins with A?  Aunt Annie's Aligator, A A A"  He knew this because his daugher always demanded to be read Dr. Seuss's ABC each night before bed.  We soon discovered that Spencer had the entire book memorized, and he could recite any letter on cue.  Now I, being an arrogant and unimpressed sophomore, said to myself in my head "I bet I could do better than that."

So I decided to try my memorization skills.  I set myself a goal to memorize every single Dr. Seuss book.
(This goal may not actually happen... in school they tell us that goals need to be useful and reasonable and stuff, and this kind of isn't.)
But I think that Dr. Seuss is a fantastic writer, and I've always loved his books.

So this blog was originally entirely dedicated to writing about my Dr. Seuss memorizing experiences.  Although now it's mostly me whining about my life.
But that's what The Seuss Project is, if you wanna know so bad.

Have a spectacular day.
Love, Laura

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