Thursday, October 4, 2012

12:43 AM and I am writing a paper :/

I need to write a paper.
By tomorrow at noon.
It's not very hard at all, but I can't get going.

I've been doing this for more than an hour.
Here's how it's been going.

Open Microsoft Word.
Get diet coke.
Change settings to Times New Roman 12, double spaced.
Watch a youtube video.
Check blog stats.
Write name and date on document.
Find class syllabus.
Read part of syllabus.
Make a page for the bibliography.
Open  (this site rocks... I would have failed high school without it)
Check to see if Hulu/Netflix has 7th Heaven.
Youtube video.
Look at blank Microsoft Word page.
Think about adjusting margins so pages will contain less text; determine that I cannot pull it off.
Write on blog.

Now I really am going to write my paper hopefully.

After this class tomorrow, my fall break officially begins!! :)
Have a good night.

It is now 1:56 AM and my paper is done!!  Except it hasn't been proofread or edited.... but that can wait until morning.  1,081 words, 5 pages, 6 perfect MLA references (thanks to easybib), spellchecked, saved, and written with love (or hatred.. too tired to interpret feelings).
I'm dang psyched for fall break.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Congratulations, you succeeded at naming your book

Yesterday night I innocently stopped by a Barnes & Noble, and quickly discovered that it was a mistake for the following reasons:
1. I really enjoy reading and bookstores and buying books.
2. I don't have time for reading.
3. I don't have money to buy books.
4. When I read good books I turn into an obsessive, antisocial curmudgeon until the book is finished.

Most of the books didn't capture my attention because the staff picks and bestsellers are all getting more Twilight-ish qualities, so I didn't think I was in too much danger.  But as I browsed, I found a book in the young adult section that I'd heard was good from a couple people.  It's Looking for Alaska by John Green.

Dear Mr. Green,
Congratulations, sir, you have succeeded at naming your book.
I am definitely a cover-judger, so if your book had a lame name I would have never picked it up.
But you chose a good title, so I opened it and read a random page for about 15 seconds.
And now Barnes & Noble has my $10, and you have whatever percentage you make from that.
I'm really enjoying this book.  You're good at writing too.

I don't look at books with dumb names.  I only read The Hunger Games because I wanted to know what a dang hunger game was, and that turned out to be fantastic.  But I'm sure there are plenty of great books with bad titles too.

I've been reading Looking for Alaska like a crazy person since I bought it, and I really like it so far.  This book caused me to get only 2 hours of sleep last night, and after I finish this post I intend to read until my eyes won't stay open anymore.  That'll probably give me like 2 hours tonight.  And I have my economics midterm tomorrow.

Have a fantastic night!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October = Vegetarian Month :)

Hey blog readers,

Today is World Vegetarian Day, and the first day of Vegetarian Awareness Month!
There's a bunch more information about it RIGHT HERE.

So, I've been posting about this stuff a lot lately.  Mostly this was in THIS BLOG POST RIGHT HERE as well as a few other blog posts surrounding it.
But I feel like animals are alive and all life is important, so this should be taken seriously no matter how you choose to live.
I've been really enjoying Meatless Mondays (CHECK IT OUT BY CLICKING HERE), but I feel like I should do more for October since it's extra special to vegetarians.

I've decided that I'm going to be a vegetarian for all of October.  And since I'd like Meatless Mondays to continue to be special, I've decided that I'm going to eat vegan every Monday in October.  Not only will this help out some cute little animals, but it will give me ideas for future Meatless Monday meals.

I don't think this will be too hard, because I don't eat very much meat as it is.  But we'll see, I guess.  I'm going to try to keep it more balanced this time, because if you read my vegan story then you know that my first go-around at this wasn't too healthy.

Here's what I ate for dinner:

This is my vegan dinner, because it is Monday of course.  I made gnocchi with red sauce and mushrooms (and parsley so I can pretend I'm classy haha) with some corn and peas and diet coke.  This is just a rearrangement of stuff I had canned/frozen at the bachelorette pad, but it was very yummy from a hungry college student's perspective. :)
Today I celebrated World Vegetarian Day by having a vegan taco (refried beans instead of meat, no cheese, no sour cream; still very yummy) and I tried vegan cupcakes (they were fantastic).

While I was eating dinner, I got thinking about how everything I was eating (excluding the diet coke) was just a clever arrangement of different kinds of plants.  Just goes to show how awesome human beings are. :D

Anyone who reads this is invited to participate in Vegetarian Awareness Month with me!! :)

Have a great Meatless Monday! :]

Monday, October 1, 2012

Being Real: Making Decisions to Change Your Life

I've been at a loss for words lately.
I haven't forgotten you; I go on my blog several times a day and try to write something, but for the past week nothing I write seems like the right thing to post so I just delete it.
My blog is usually me being silly or complaining or just having fun, but today I'm being real.
A million other people will tell you this, but I'll be a million and one.  Because I'm honestly learning this myself and it's great so I think you'd like it too.
You can change your life.
Nothing is permanent.
Each day you make thousands of decisions, and the life you currently lead is a compilation of those decisions.
If everything is always the same for you, it's because you choose for it to be the same.  And if that doesn't make you happy, you can choose for it to be different.
If you're unhappy with your life, you can make choices to change things.
Also, if you're happy with your life, poor choices can just as easily drag you down.
Lots of people have told me this before, and I've always sort of subconsciously thought, "Of course that's true for other people, but I can't change the situation I'm in.  I'm stuck with this forever."
And I'm sure there are lots of other people out there who feel the same way.
But the coolest part of all of this is that you are in control of nearly every aspect of your life!
I've been really unhappy recently.  But after I started catching on to this idea, I started making decisions to change my life.  I'm removing some of the bad things from my life, and changing perspectives on other things I thought were bad before.  I'm bringing in more good things and more things that make me happy.  This is really hard because I'm a VERY change-resistant person.  But nobody said it'd be easy.
If you're not happy with your life, then do something to change it. :)
That's me being real.