Monday, September 17, 2012

Introducing: Meatless Mondays :)

Hey, blog readers. :)
It's Monday Funday, and I don't really mean that because if you read my last post then you know that I only slept for like 2 hours last night.  But I figure that an ounce of optimism can't hurt, so I'm trying to incorporate some fun into my Monday.

But this morning I thought of something better than Monday Funday, and that is Meatless Mondays!! :D
I want all ya'all to know that I was under the impression that I invented this entire concept myself, but to stop myself from looking dumb on my blog I googled this idea just couple minutes ago, and it turns out that I am definitely not the first person to think of this.  Check out the site below, and you can read all about the people who sort of own Meatless Mondays.

So I'm still sort of on this health food thing... my original rant can be found IN THIS LINK RIGHT HERE.
And if you remember last week, I talked to some PETA reps at school and they gave me a yummy vegan cookie.  They also gave me some pamplets, and when I was looking over them I saw that one said, "If every American skipped one meal of chicken per week, the carbon dioxide savings would be the same as taking more than a half-million cars off U.S. roads." and "You save more water by not eating a pound of beef than you do by not showering for six months."  (Direct quotes... fancy, right?)

So I figure that even though I'm not going to go veg, I at least can cut back.  So from now on (at least until I forget or give up) I'm going veg on mondays.  Vegetarian every monday, and maybe vegan on special mondays when I have time to sit around and read ingredient lists on packages all day.

Mondays rock for this, firstly because of the sweet alliteration in Meatless Monday.  It's kinda fun to say.  Secondly because nobody really does fun stuff on monday (even though it's also Monday Funday :D) so I won't be put in situations involving restaurants or barbecues or other meat-related places.  It'll just be me and my microwave/hot plate.

Anyone else reading this blog, I invite you to go 1/7 veg and observe Meatless Monday with me.  Twill be fun.

For more stats on meat and vegetarianism, check out this site RIGHT HERE.
Are these stats accurate?  Maybe.  They could be stretched more or less to make a point.
Either way, it's something to think about.

Have a super great Meatless Monday Funday. :)

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