Thursday, October 4, 2012

12:43 AM and I am writing a paper :/

I need to write a paper.
By tomorrow at noon.
It's not very hard at all, but I can't get going.

I've been doing this for more than an hour.
Here's how it's been going.

Open Microsoft Word.
Get diet coke.
Change settings to Times New Roman 12, double spaced.
Watch a youtube video.
Check blog stats.
Write name and date on document.
Find class syllabus.
Read part of syllabus.
Make a page for the bibliography.
Open  (this site rocks... I would have failed high school without it)
Check to see if Hulu/Netflix has 7th Heaven.
Youtube video.
Look at blank Microsoft Word page.
Think about adjusting margins so pages will contain less text; determine that I cannot pull it off.
Write on blog.

Now I really am going to write my paper hopefully.

After this class tomorrow, my fall break officially begins!! :)
Have a good night.

It is now 1:56 AM and my paper is done!!  Except it hasn't been proofread or edited.... but that can wait until morning.  1,081 words, 5 pages, 6 perfect MLA references (thanks to easybib), spellchecked, saved, and written with love (or hatred.. too tired to interpret feelings).
I'm dang psyched for fall break.

1 comment:

  1. Holy crow! <- By the way where did that phrase come from?
    but anyways Emma, get back on track.
