Friday, November 9, 2012

RIP Wilbur

I was reading an article a few seconds ago about ways to improve your blog.  The woman writing the article says that for each hour she spends writing blog posts, she spends three editing them.  (WOW)  I want all ya'all to know that I have never and will never edit my blog posts, as messy and unpolished as they may look or sound.  The only blog post I even took a second glance at before publishing was the first one I ever wrote on here!  Some people have way too much time!!

I consider this blog to be quite journal-ish, and that's probably why I don't edit it.  I used to try to keep a real journal, but it's never really worked out too well for me.  But I'm usually pretty okay at writing on my blog consistently (if you squint your eyes over the long gaps of my non-blogging...) so it works as a pretty good journal.

Mehh.  I don't know why I just wrote all that.

I'm at my Brigham house right now, but I have to go back to Salt Lake tonight because I have work.  And mostly I don't mind working because I really like my job and I love making pizza, but today I feel quite lazy and I'd rather just hang out with my friends in Brigham.  Dang adulthood.

My fish died yesterday.  I don't think I ever really blogged about him, but a few months ago I was at a Petco and bought a betta (plus a bunch of betta stuff) for pretty much no reason.  I named my fishie Wilbur and I tried to take good care of him, however he got fin rot or something and I had to buy him medicine for that.  The medicine didn't do too much, so I think the fin rot is what killed him. :(
I'm having a funeral for him tomorrow.  I really miss Wilbur.. :(:(

Alrightie, well I'm gonna head out and get some stuff done.  Have a super awesome day! :)


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