Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tofurky deli slices :)

I have a confession.
Yesterday I broke my vegetarianism.
I was doing so well!!  Wanna know what it was that destroyed me?
Pathetic, right?
Well I secretly have a thing for cheese and crackers, and I wanted some for the drive back to Salt Lake last night.  And all I could find (without purchasing a crazy big amount of product) was lunchables, and I felt bad throwing away the ham cause that would be more disrespectful to the piggies than eating the meat.  So I ate it.
I feel kind of bad.... I was doing pretty well.
Oh well.

So we had a massive storm that left like two feet of snow at the bachelorette pad.  And I discovered that my car is HORRIBLE at driving in the snow!!  Driving home last night was pretty scary, and the whole freeway was going 15 mph cause it was so bad.  Then when I got into town my car kept skidding down hills and stuff on the slush, so it was pretty bad.  Today I drove about 100 feet and it was so scary that I turned around and parked at home and walked to church.
All this blizzardy stuff also made the power go out.... the bachelorette pad lost power around midnight last night and I got it back about an hour ago.  All my frozen stuff is kinda soggy :( I hope it's okay.

To repay for my meat-eating last night, I decided to try a new food... Tofurky deli slices.  They're vegan meat-ish things made for sandwiches, and I got some from Whole Foods last week.  I'd been hesitant to try them because they look.. well... disgusting.  But I put on my big girl panties and decided to try it out. :)

Here's what the package looks like. 

And here's what the product looks like when it's all globbed up before you sandwichize it.
So it really doesn't look too appetizing, but it made a dang good sandwich!!  I thought it was very yummy. :)  Do not, however, use as many slices as they do in the picture on the package.  One serving size is supposed to be 5 slices, but I only used 3 and it was plenty.  Also, don't eat it plain.  It's not really meat so it doesn't really taste like meat. 
Ya'all can see Tofurky's deli slice site RIGHT HERE.
All in all, this was fantastic and I'm quite happy with it.  I'm also happy to have my power back on.

 (haha I used shredded cheese on my sandwich cause that's all I have... Ima poor college student)

All ya'all have a good day. :)

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