Saturday, January 26, 2013

Blogging and other things I'm bad at....

You don't even have to tell me how bad I am at blogging.  I know, I know.

Not only am I bad at blogging; I'm also abominable, amiss, atrocious, awful, beastly, blah, bottom out, bummer, careless, cheap, cheesy, crappy, cruddy, crummy, defective, deficient, diddly, dissatisfactory, downer, dreadful, erroneous, fallacious, faulty, garbage, gosh*awful, grody, gross, grungy, icky, imperfect, inadequate, incorrect, inferior, junky, lousy, not good, off, poor, raunchy, rough, sad, slipshod, stinking, substandard, synthetic, unacceptable, and unsatisfactory at blogging.  (Thank you, for all these great words to describe how I've been at blogging lately..)

So yeah, I know that my last blog post was December 3, and today is sadly January 26.  Sorry.
Luckily I have Mariah who kindly reminded me of my failures and nudged me to stop putting The Seuss Project off.

Here's what's happened in my life lately!!
I started the new semester, and it's been going.. um.. fine I guess.  I've been having a weird mental relationship with school lately but nothing bad has happened so I suppose all is well.  I also got a new job working in the Domino's in Bountiful, UT.  I start on Feb 4 I think, so we'll see how that goes!  I'm pretty stoked. :)  I also bought a new pet fish, who I named Nathaniel.  I'll upload pictures next time I'm home.

So all ya'all know that blogging isn't the only thing I fail at, here are a few other things I haven't been doing so great at lately:::::

1. Picking up soda cans at my house.  After I got paid last Friday I got all excited and went grocery shopping which resulted in like 40 cans of diet coke entering my house.  It would take about 2 seconds for me to gather up the empty cans after I drink them and take them to the recycling bin, but I haven't done it and they are everywhere!!!!  I could build Optimus Prime out of them if I wanted.. that's how much dang aluminum I have lying around my basement.

2. Saving money.  Because I have lots of things to pay for, so I should use my money for those things.  But instead I went to Whole Foods and bought things like bunny grahams and fruit karma yumminess and vegetarian pretend-meat :).  I sure like all that stuff but it gets dang expensive!

3. Filling my life with more productive things than YouTube and Stumbleupon.  Today I had to drive from Sandy to Brigham after I got off of work, but instead of leaving immediately after my shift and arriving in BC at a half-decent time, I went to the bachelorette pad and spent like 2 hours watching YouTube videos.  Only when my computer battery was going to die did I finally pack my things and leave for my Brigham house.

There are lots of other things I'm bad at.  I hope that this post makes you feel better about your life because you'll know that other people are far less successful than you.
Have a good night, and don't forget your smile.

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know I made a post on wethreecantagree and said you would be back to blog...

    So you have to blog there, too! :)

    YOU are awesome. I am really bad at procrastinating too. :( I have so much homework and then I am like, "I will just get on Facebook real fast... oh, Pinterest? Yes. OOOH! I should watch Downton Abbey..." Then I forget I have homework.

    SO you aren't alone in your failings, though ours are similar yet different.

