Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Promotion Incentive!!!!!! haha this is pathetic :)

Okie dokie, so here's the thing.
I'm gonna try my dang hardest to keep blogging, because believe it or not my blog means a lot to me and so does the entire idea of The Seuss Project.
But if I wanted nobody to read what I write, I would write it on Microsoft OneNote and keep it to myself.

And I guess it's not really nobody, it's just very few people.

But a few people can do great things!!
Remember my post the other day that had the random advertisement/flyer thing that I threw together in about 30 seconds?  (If you don't remember or you just want to see, then CLICK HERE and scroll down to the interesting-looking part..)
Well I want you to use it!
Yes, really.
No, I'm not kidding.

Here's how this is gonna work.  Print out the picture thing (preferably in black and white to save money and the environment) and hang it up somewhere where it can be seen by a bunch of peope!!  (You can even design your own flyer if you'd like.. I'm sure all ya'all could do way better!  I made mine RIGHT HERE.)  Post it on a bulletin board or in the hallway in school or something like that.  Then take a picture of it hanging up there and email that picture to me at theseussproject@gmail.com.

If you do that, you will win a special prize!!
And that is that I will write you a fancy letter about how awesome I think that you are, and I will put some cool stickers on it and then I will mail it to you!!  (Unless you live outside of the USA;; then we'll have to figure something else out.)  Make sure to include the address that you want the letter sent to in your email. :D  {{I won't stalk you, I promise}}

Additional incentives::
1. If you also happen to be seeking a larger audience for your blog, I will make and hang 2 flyers for your blog around University of Utah for every 1 The Seuss Project flyer that you hang wherever you live.  (Within reason, of course.. cause I'm not made of money or printer paper or anything..)  Mention this in your email. :D

2. If you are reading this and your name is Mariah Elena or Emma Rose, you may qualify for EXTRA PRIZES!!!!  For each TSP flyer you hang and document to my email, I will write a blog post for WTCA!!  (Up to five (5) (cinco) (V) blog posts!!!)

Maybe this will get like 2 or 3 people to glance at my blog. :):)
Have a super fun night!


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