Monday, August 27, 2012

Crazy drive to school/my week in 1 paragraph

Hey guys.
I'm at school right now, waiting for my first class to start.
I got up bright and early (4:30) this morning and took a shower and ate, just to find out that my class didn't start until 9:40.  So me being stupid and tired, I went back to bed for a while.
When I woke up and actually left for school, I discovered that there was method to my madness in getting up so early, and that is the drive to school.
Driving here sucked today because the streets were crammed with other commuting students, and then I had to park really really far away and that's gonna suck later.
But now here I am, sitting with a bunch of strangers waiting for my social statistics lab so start.
I don't even know what we do in social statistics lab.
Breakfast made me sick.
I should study something.

Here's my week:
M: School, homework
T: School, work, homework
W: School, homework
T: School, homework
F: Homework, going to LAGOON!! Whoop whoop :D
S: Homework, clean my basement, maybe work

I'm kinda greatful for the Lagoon part of that, because if it weren't for that then cleaning my bathroom would be the most interesting part of my week.

Have a super good day. :)
And to the USU/BYU students who start school today, good luck.

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