Monday, August 20, 2012

First day of college :D part 1

Hey guys! :D
Ima sittin' here in the library at University of Utah, enjoying/still dreading my first day of college!!

Here's what's happened so far today:
  1. Arrived at school at about 9ish in attempt to get a good parking spot.  (or goodish.. there are no good parking spots at the U)
  2. Not early enough.. got a bad parking spot
  3. Saw someone I know from high school.  Thought about saying hi, but remembered that she's a pretentious little snot and then ignored her.
  4. Explored library and other cool things on campus for a bit
  5. Had a mental breakdown
  6. Went to my first class!!
  7. Bought a diet coke.  Called Cheychey and had another mental breakdown.
  8. Back in library blogging.
Here's all about my first class:  (If you don't care to read, skip to next paragraph.)
It's History of US Economics 1750, and there's about 100 people in it.  The teacher was born and raised in Pakistan, and he's actually a PhD student and not a professor.  I can't pronounce his real name but he told us to call him Zane.  Going over the syllabus lasted about 5 minutes, and then the class took a dramatic turn towards middle school.... Remember my first post?  If not, you can see it if you click right here.  Zane told the class, "Now I want each of you to stand up and tell me your name, where you came here from, your major, and your favorite sports team."  Isn't college supposed to be a little more, I dunno, collegy?  All I know is that I spend way too much time working and studying to have a favorite sports team.  But, alas, I stood up and said, "My name is Laura Stratton; I came from Brigham City, Utah; I'm majoring in biology with premedical; and I like the Pittsburgh Steelers."  My good friend Miss Mandi taught me to say that.  She also taught me to say "Troy Polamalu, #43" but I don't actually know what any of it means.  Thank you for saving me, Mandi.

The bad thing is that I don't have another class until 4.  This will hopefully be good in the future because it will give me time to study up and work on homework inbetween classes.  But right now it's pretty lame cause I don't even have my economics book yet, so I can't work on the homework I just got.  And my diet coke is running out and I'm too poor to buy another one.  (Okay, okay, I was too poor to buy the first one too.... sue me.)

There are LOTS of Asians here.  And not many of them speak English.  I wonder how they take notes and stuff.

Bleh.  I miss my house and my friends and Brigham Domino's and all the free food in my house and my lack of responsibility and my paychecks that I could spend on diet coke and fun.  Dang adulthood.

Have a study-ful day.

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