Friday, February 1, 2013

Blog post every day in February!! :D

Good morning, blog readers..
It is now officially February! :)
{{Why do we spell February like that??  Because I'm pretty sure that I have never pronounced the first R ever in my life..}}

To celebrate February, I've decided to write a blog post EVERY SINGLE FREAKING DAY!!!!

Lots of people do this with their blogs and vlogs, however many of them choose months like April or August because the acronym BEDA, for Blog Every Day in April/August/whatever month you're using, looks way better than BEDF.
So why February?
Because it's the shortest month. :)
I'm happy to be blogging again, but you all know how unambitious and failure-like I tend to be.

Google sent me to a lovely article that had this title:::::

I didn't read the article (however you can find it by clicking here) because I'm a horribly lazy person, but skimming it told me that this is going to be quite un-fun.

Hopefully, though, this will get me back in the habit of posting regularly.  And maybe it'll help me to be more creative and write less crap blog posts... I've noticed that I have lots of those.

Have a super fun February!

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