Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ice cream haiku

Hey blog readers.
I'm in School & Society right now, and I never post from this class cause it's usually really interesting.  But I'm feeling kinda burnt out today, so I don't want to discuss racial discrimination in the job market or whatever today's thing is.  I really do usually like this class though.

As soon as this class is done, my weekend gets to start. :)  That's cause I'm not going to my chem lab discussion tonight, cause I already read over my lab for next week and it's not worth sitting around until 6:00 just to go to that.  This weekend I'm going to clean my bachelorette pad, and I'm very excited for it to be all spick and span again.
Read that.  It was kind of interesting.

1 more hour of this class.  I should write do something to pass the time.  I'll write a haiku.

Ice cream is so good
Especially chocolate
But it makes me fat.

I made that up like on the spot.  If that's not skills then I don't know what is. :)
Mehh.. this post is done.
58 more minutes of this class.


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