Thursday, September 13, 2012

Writing an essay and wishing I were asleep

Here is a letter from a loving Laura fan:

Dear Laura,
I'm a big fan of your work.  I also think you're super cool.
However I have a question for you.
Why are you awake and writing an essay when it is clearly 1:00 in the morning?
Love, Steven

Dear Steven,
I'm awake at 1:00 in the morning writing an essay BECAUSE I'M STUPID.
There, I said it.  Bask in my fallen ego.
Love, Laura

Maybe someday someone will send me a real question to answer.. haha

So... yeah.  I have an essay.  And it is due at 7 AM.
But did I write it before now?
Because I'm stupid.

I was kind of good at faking essays in high school but I don't know how that will fare in college.
I guess a sort-of essay is better than no essay at all.

Wanna know what my essay is about?
Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I've Been to the Mountaintop" speech.
If you're unfamiliar with that, it's like a less popular version of "I Have a Dream", most likely less popular because it's far less interesting.

I've been reading/writing for about an hour now and I've got three pages.  But that's double spaced, so it's not all that much.  I don't know how long the stupid essay is supposed to be, but I'm guessing around five or six pages.... nothing too bad.  So I think I'll write until I have nothing else to say, and if it's more than six pages I'll go through and remove all the crap from it.  And if it's less than five pages I'll go through and add some crap to it.  Either way I'm getting this stupid essay done.

I'm not cut out for college.
I should just work at Brigham City Domino's forever.  That'd rock.  Except I'd be poor.

So I've pretty much already written an entire page's worth of stuff on this blog, and that's only taken me ten minutes.  I wish that writing essays were this easy.  Some days I really don't know what to say to the blogging world, so I end up sounding dumb or I just don't post.  But other days are like this (like when I can reject the responsiblity of writing essays at 1 AM and instead write crap for the internet) and I can type stuff nonstop.  But I can't ever really type essays nonstop.  Unless they're for Mr. McConkie, who was my high school teacher.  If I gave McConkie a crap essay, I'd get like a 95.  And if I worked my little tail off and gave him a good essay, I'd get like a 97 at best.  Or usually just another 95.

Whoa, I just got more fan mail. :)  Here ya' go...

Dear Laura,
Go work on your boring essay and stop writing crap all over your blog.
Nobody even reads your blog.
And if someone did read your blog, they wouldn't read this far in your super-long post anyway.
Love, Steven

Thank you, Steven.  **full of sarcasm and tiredness and annoyance and sadness that this is actually true**

Okay, well I'm gonna go write the essay.  And then hopefully sleep.
Have a good night.  And have fun sleeping... :(


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