Saturday, September 15, 2012

My movie-watching problem

Here's my problem:
When I watch movies at night, I can't finish them.
Like if I really sat down in front of a real TV with a quilt and a diet coke, then I can finish any movie with no problem.
But if I'm in bed and watching a movie on my laptop or a mini DVD player or something, I cannot get to the end.  I watch it about 2/3 of the way through, until it gets to that kinda slowish part right before the actiony exciting part.  But then I decide that I'm done watching for the night and I'll finish it the next day.  But then I never finish it.
I've done this for pretty much my whole life.

So tonight I've been watching Footloose (the new one) and I really do like that movie.
But now Willard knows how to dance and Ren is trying to write his speech and he's all sad about his mom and leukemia and the slow/sad music is playing, and I'm so done watching this.  But part of me wants to see the end.  Bleh.  I'm conflicted.

Solution to my movie-watching problem:
Watch movies during the daytime.
I never do this during daytime.  Like ever.
Sadly this solution won't really work because I spend all of my daytime as well as a large portion of my nighttime doing school-related stuff, leaving me no time for movies.

Solution to the problem with my solution to my movie-watching problem:
Drop out of school and work for Domino's forever.  And spend my daytimes watching movies.

I'm gonna sleep.  I'll watch the end of Footloose tomorrow.
Have a fun night.

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