Monday, September 24, 2012

National Punctuation Day

Good morning, blog-readers!

Today is National Punctuation Day, and to honor it I am going to try to use proper punctuation in this post.  I really do try to punctuate well on my blog, but I understand that I miss some commas sometimes and stuff like that.  I'm going to try really hard on this post.  Also, my usual smiley faces are not correct punctuation.  Colons and parentheses were not invented to be used for such things.  So this post is going to contain ABSOLUTELY NO HAPPY FACES.  Sad, right?

Here is a website (given to me by StumbleUpon) all about National Punctuation Day:

And here are some famous quotes about punctuation:

"No iron can pierce the heart with such force as a period put just at the right place." - Isaac Babel
That one is probably my favorite, however I only read about half of them because I have homework to get done.

In my sophomore year of high school, I had English with Mr. Yates.  One of our assignements in his class was to memorize the 20ish rules of comma usage and be able to recite them.  So guess what I did... I WROTE A COMMA SONG!  That song rocked.  Unfortunately I remember less than half of it now, and I don't do public singing performances, so none of you get to hear it.
On the plus side, I found you another punctuation song, and this one is starring singing cats. :)

In this blog post I've tried to include each type of punctiation discussed on the National Punctuation Day website, however I've neglected to include brackets because I couldn't find a place to put them.  Everything else is in this post though, although I may have misused the ellipsis that I snuck in.

Have a fantastic National Punctuation Day.
Love, Laura
(I don't think my regular sign-off is good punctuation either...)  (Is that proper use of an ellipsis?)

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