Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy, mateys!
Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day, so all we landlubbers must be talkin' like pirates. :)
I en't too good at me pirate-talkin', so ye'll have to batten down the hatches bear with me.. savvy??
I only was learnin about this day yesterday, when I stopped by Whole Foods again to visit me new matey and I met an old salt named Sean who told me of it existin.  Now I don't want to be missin out on anya tha' fun, so I've been spendin' the day pretendin to be a true buccaneer.  Aarrrr!!

Alright, so I've used up pretty much every usable pirate phrase on this site RIGHT HERE.... AARRRRRR!!  And like I said, I'm not too good at the pirate thing.  Shiver me timbers!  So I'm just going to add random pirate phrases into this blog post; coherence doesn't matter to pirates anyway.
Also, as much as I've been trying to pirate-talk, it doesn't work because I haven't really talked to anyone.  I gave up trying to text in pirate-talk, and I haven't talked to anyone on campus today.  However, I did order at a Burger King drive-thru today speaking fluent pirate!!  (I planned everything I was going to say beforehand haha)
I've also celebrated by changing my facebook language to pirate, however that's like secret celebration because it's not like anybody else can see which language my facebook is set to.  Thar she blows!!  I enjoy reading it though.

Talk Like a Pirate Day has its own website!

Here are some more pirate links for you:

You scallywags have a good day. :)
<3/Captain Laura

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