Wednesday, February 22, 2012

End of 2nd trimester blues :/

Hey guys.  Guess what.
It's nearly the end of the 2nd trimester of my senior year.
This is a major problem, because despite how nerdy I am, I've actually been blowing off lots of work in the name of college preparation recently.
So I have a ton of assignments to get done before the end of the trimester. :P
Hopefully this doesn't completely screw up my GPA... I'm a little bit worried.

Here's the thing:
Each night for like the last week, I say to myself "Laura, you have lots of work to do.  How will you survive medical school if you keep being such a bum and doing nothing?  Go buy yourself a diet Coke, stay up all night, and get your homework done."
So then I go buy myself a diet Coke and I get all ready to stay up all night doing homework.
But there's a problem.  My parents hate me staying up late, and if they had their way I would be in bed at 8 every night.  So I can't let them catch me staying up.
So between like 10 and 11 each of these nights, I've pretended to be asleep until my parents fell asleep.
But then I've just fallen asleep every night.
So I haven't gotten any homework done.

Tonight, I will stay up.
Better go buy myself a diet Coke.

Love, Laura

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