Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Why I'm not in school right now

Dear blog readers,

If you look at the date and time on this post, you will notice that it is Tuesday, February 7, 1:48 PM.  (just kidding... it'll take me a few minutes to finish typing all this.  But that's what time it is now.)  So if you live in 21st century America (or pretty much anywhere else in the world wherein they have Internet and enough free time to read blogs like this) then you should know that on nearly every non-summer Tuesday at 1:48 PM, 16 year old children should be attending some form of school or another.  If you are wondering, "why isn't Laura in school?" then kudos to you for your 21st century smarts. :)

Here's why I'm not in school.  My 5th hour class is physics, and in that class is one of the worst teachers ever.  To protect her from cyber bullying, I am going to avoid using her name.  **cough cough** Mrs. Roberts **cough cough**..... excuse me, I must be coming down with a cold.  So for her privacy, we are going to give her a completely random name, so ya'all will know who I'm talking about.  But then if said teacher happens upon my blog one day, all she'll say is "gosh, what an awful teacher" instead of, "what a repulsive child.  I'm going to drop her grade."

So we're going to call her Mrs. Satan, for privacy purposes.  Mrs. Satan taught my chemistry class last year and she teaches my physics class this year.  If you were to meet her, the first thing you'd notice about her is that she thinks she's really funny but she's not.  Like, at all.  I've never laughed at a single thing she's said.  But there's so much more to Mrs. Satan than what appears on the surface.  She gives us long lists of formulas to copy down but never explains them, and she gives us long homework assignments that I can't figure out for the life of me.  She's bossy and whiney, and when we ask her for help she just does the problem for us so we don't learn anything.  We do labs that she doesn't properly explain, and when kids ask questions she sometimes just ignores them.  Her tests have an average score of 74%, and to some of you that may sound pretty good, but this is a class full of 4.0 students.  The smartest students I know are struggling in her class, not because physics is a hard subject, but because she is one of the most useless people I have ever met.

So I have a physics test today.  My parents are equally as unfond of Mrs. Satan as I am, so they let me sluff it so I can study with my dad (who will actually teach me something, unlike some people) and I'll just take it tomorrow.  And now I guess I'm sluffing 6th hour too, because I should've gone back to school by now but I haven't.

So that's why I'm not in school right now.  (But for once, I'm not truant!!  Mom and Dad know where I am :D)

I hope each of you are given better teachers/bosses/etc than Mrs. Satan.
Have a stupendous day.

Love, Laura

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