Saturday, February 11, 2012

My paper chain :P

So, for the past few weeks I've been making a chain out of colored construction paper and gift wrap tape in my small amount of free time.  Today I finished it and it is now ready to serve its purpose.

Remember the paper chains you made in December of elementary school, with one link for every day until Christmas?  Well my chain is just like that (but not quite as cheery) because there is one link fore every day until graduation. (109 days total)  Some people may think of this like their childhood Christmas chains, anxiously watching the chain slowly grow shorter, but I don't think about it that way.  The chain is a vicious reminder to myself that I have a whole bunch of stuff to get done and not that much time to do it.  Maybe it'll help me out.  Maybe I'll just have a mental breakdown.

I've been often described with words in the category of "obsessive-compulsive" or "anal retentive"... ya know, that kind of thing.  So when I hung up my chain, (it's hung kind of like Christmas garland) I hung it by each pink link (there is 1 pink link for every 11 links in the chain) and I hung them each exactly 1 foot apart.  It took a long time, but just so ya'all know, it looks awesome.

Here's some other non-chain-related stuff for you to know:

I went to work today and I guess everyone secretly decided that it would be awesomely fun to be really mean to me.  So everyone was being way bossy and critical of me, and I swear I almost ripped my hair out in frustration.  Bleh.

I sort of cleaned my room today.  You might not think it looks nice, but it's a huge improvement from what it was before so I'm loving it.  I also washed my laundry, so I once again have a decent choice of clothing each day.  (For the last week I've been wearing only pajamas or striped T-shirts to school :P)

Mandi did something she shouldn't have.  I don't know how she'd feel about me writing about it, but perhaps someday I will.  In the meantime, feel free to come up with wild guesses as to what Mandi did.

I pretty much stayed up all night last night, so I feel like yuck.

Love, Laura

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