Friday, August 31, 2012

Super awesome Friday :):)

Hey guys,

So as of a few minutes ago, it is officially FRIDAY FRIDAY GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAY!! :D
So today I'm going to finish writing this blog post, and then I'm going to sleep.
Then I'll wake up and do some homework and boring stuff like that, and then I'm going to Lagoon with Cheychey! :)
So, as most of you have probably heard, tonight is a blue moon.  That's actually not very special; at least it's not fun to look at or anything.  But Chey always says "Once in a blue moon" to me, so perhaps this can be used to my advantage.
I'm also considering today Steven's birthday, even though I actually got him on September 2 of last year.  Because I got him at Lagoon Day with Chey last year.
If you don't know who Steven is, you can learn all about him right HERE.

School was really demanding and exhausting this week, so I'm super excited to have a break.
And I get Monday off too for Labor Day, so I get to head back to Brigham and hang out.  (And steal some food from the house....)

Have a super good Friday!!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Food cravings

Hey blog readers,

So today, I've been having these crazy food cravings.  There's pretty much a huge list of stuff that I want really really bad all at the same time.  Here's part of that list:

  • Potato salad
  • Apple crisp with ice cream
  • Chicken pot pie
  • Plain pasta
  • Chocolate pop-tarts
  • Banana cream pie
  • Breadsticks dipped in ranch dressing
  • Reese's peanut butter cups
  • PB&J sandwich
  • And more....
Seriously, that's pretty much all I thought about all day.  Between classes when I should have been doing homework, I went to different food vendors on campus and tried to find someone selling one of these things.  Then I looked up chicken pot pie recipes.
I don't even like some of these foods.
But today they all sound so dang good.....

But would you like to know what sounded the best all day?
Jell-O. :)
So I bought some Jell-O today, and I made it after work.
I even put it in the freezer so it would set faster.
Then I ate the entire package. :D
It was fantastic, so don't you dare think mean things about me.

Bad news of today: Fell asleep in class, have to do homework now instead of sleeping
Good news of today: I bought more than one package of Jell-O so I can make some tomorrow night too.  And I know how to make chicken pot pie now too. :)

I'm going home for Labor Day. :)
If I stay alive till then.... college is killing me.

Goodnight, lucky losers who get to sleep.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Crazy drive to school/my week in 1 paragraph

Hey guys.
I'm at school right now, waiting for my first class to start.
I got up bright and early (4:30) this morning and took a shower and ate, just to find out that my class didn't start until 9:40.  So me being stupid and tired, I went back to bed for a while.
When I woke up and actually left for school, I discovered that there was method to my madness in getting up so early, and that is the drive to school.
Driving here sucked today because the streets were crammed with other commuting students, and then I had to park really really far away and that's gonna suck later.
But now here I am, sitting with a bunch of strangers waiting for my social statistics lab so start.
I don't even know what we do in social statistics lab.
Breakfast made me sick.
I should study something.

Here's my week:
M: School, homework
T: School, work, homework
W: School, homework
T: School, homework
F: Homework, going to LAGOON!! Whoop whoop :D
S: Homework, clean my basement, maybe work

I'm kinda greatful for the Lagoon part of that, because if it weren't for that then cleaning my bathroom would be the most interesting part of my week.

Have a super good day. :)
And to the USU/BYU students who start school today, good luck.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Today's really bad.
I dunno what I'm gonna do with myself.

Fortunately, my iTunes is on shuffle and it happens to be picking excellent angry music for me.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

wtf did I just watch?

There are not too many words for this.
If you'd like a very, umm, unique way to spend 4 minutes of your time, then click the link below.
Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People

Don't get me wrong; I like Marilyn Manson as much as any regular person ought to, but that made my tummy flip a little bit.

Have a good night.

College, week 1

So it's been a week since I began college.  And I guess it's okay.  Or maybe I'm sadly mistaken and it's not okay at all.

Unfortunately, I have no motivation to do homework today.  Like, I've been cleaning my room to avoid homework.  And usually I don't mind homework too much; sometimes I quite enjoy it because I'm a nerd at heart.  But today I really don't want to do it.  I guess I have to.  Bleh.

I secretly really want to go grocery shopping.  A while ago, my friend told me that grocery shopping was really fun but I didn't believe her.  But now I really want to go because I've learned that it is quite fun.  Especially when you have money (and I don't have too much of that...)..

Tomorrow I'm going to work, and the next day I have school once again.  Sociology lab, US economics, chemistry lecture, and biology on mondays.

Watch this.
I thought it was pretty cool.

Have a good no-homework day. :)

I really want some popcorn.
Carmel popcorn.
All I have here is tortillas and macaroni and canned soup. :(
This must be some kind of karma.

Monday, August 20, 2012

First day of college, part 2

The other part of my day was less interesting than part 1.  I researched social security for my economics class, and then went to chemistry.  My teacher in that class is from Austria.  It was pretty boring.  Then I had to go to biology, which is in the Sandy campus instead of the Salt Lake one.  So I had to drive in rush hour, attempting to be on time to class (which I was not).  It was pretty psycho.  I like my biology teacher though.  Then I went to walmart and bought some stuff I need for school and work.  It cost $100 and unfortunately I don't really have $100 dollars to spend on crap that I need but don't at all want.  So that ticked me off quite a bit.  Now I'm doing homework.  And tomorrow I have a whole slew of new classes to go experience.
Have a good night.

First day of college :D part 1

Hey guys! :D
Ima sittin' here in the library at University of Utah, enjoying/still dreading my first day of college!!

Here's what's happened so far today:
  1. Arrived at school at about 9ish in attempt to get a good parking spot.  (or goodish.. there are no good parking spots at the U)
  2. Not early enough.. got a bad parking spot
  3. Saw someone I know from high school.  Thought about saying hi, but remembered that she's a pretentious little snot and then ignored her.
  4. Explored library and other cool things on campus for a bit
  5. Had a mental breakdown
  6. Went to my first class!!
  7. Bought a diet coke.  Called Cheychey and had another mental breakdown.
  8. Back in library blogging.
Here's all about my first class:  (If you don't care to read, skip to next paragraph.)
It's History of US Economics 1750, and there's about 100 people in it.  The teacher was born and raised in Pakistan, and he's actually a PhD student and not a professor.  I can't pronounce his real name but he told us to call him Zane.  Going over the syllabus lasted about 5 minutes, and then the class took a dramatic turn towards middle school.... Remember my first post?  If not, you can see it if you click right here.  Zane told the class, "Now I want each of you to stand up and tell me your name, where you came here from, your major, and your favorite sports team."  Isn't college supposed to be a little more, I dunno, collegy?  All I know is that I spend way too much time working and studying to have a favorite sports team.  But, alas, I stood up and said, "My name is Laura Stratton; I came from Brigham City, Utah; I'm majoring in biology with premedical; and I like the Pittsburgh Steelers."  My good friend Miss Mandi taught me to say that.  She also taught me to say "Troy Polamalu, #43" but I don't actually know what any of it means.  Thank you for saving me, Mandi.

The bad thing is that I don't have another class until 4.  This will hopefully be good in the future because it will give me time to study up and work on homework inbetween classes.  But right now it's pretty lame cause I don't even have my economics book yet, so I can't work on the homework I just got.  And my diet coke is running out and I'm too poor to buy another one.  (Okay, okay, I was too poor to buy the first one too.... sue me.)

There are LOTS of Asians here.  And not many of them speak English.  I wonder how they take notes and stuff.

Bleh.  I miss my house and my friends and Brigham Domino's and all the free food in my house and my lack of responsibility and my paychecks that I could spend on diet coke and fun.  Dang adulthood.

Have a study-ful day.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Another letter and some boring stuff

Dear Jenn,
It's okay that you didn't come see me today.  Your situation was appropriate.
Love, Laura

Today was quite uninteresting.
Cooked some ground beef.  Ate a brownie.  Took a shower.  Same old, same old.
But tomorrow is my first day of college. :)
I'm 15% excited and 85% terrified.
Hopefully all will be well.

Have a less-uninteresting-than-my-day day. :)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Stuff I did, stuff I'm going to do, and a letter :)

Hey guys.
I'm posting this post from my house, not my college-dormish-basement place.  That's right, I'm at home mooching of the ol' parents. :)
Well sort of.. I went to my old work yesterday and I'm going again today, so I guess I'm not completely useless.  But when I got here I convinced my mom that she needed to go to the grocery store and then she ended up buying me brownie mix and tortillas and stuff. :D
Unfortunately, I don't have any oil or eggs to cook my brownies with at my collegey-basement, so I'll probably have to steal some from the house before I leave tonight.

So for the rest of the day, I'm going to clean my room, get my hair cut, go visit Cheychey, go to work, steal some food from my kitchen, drive back to SLC, and hopefully clean it a bit before I pass out.  Cause I'm exhausted.

Here is a letter to my friend Jenn, who will probably never read it but ya know.

Dear Jenn,
I'm glad we're friends.
Sorry for waking you up last night.  I didn't mean to.
If you don't come visit me tomorrow, I will likely cry from loneliness.  So you should come.
Love, Laura

Sigh.. I'm gonna leave the comfort of my cozy bed so I can get my desperately-needed haircut.  Hopefully I'll be better at writing on this blog. :)


I made this post purple xD ya like?

Thursday, August 16, 2012


I seriously think about this blog all the time.  I was just born to be a procrastinating person.  It's not that I just never thought about posting... In the beginning I just put it off.  Then I was too lazy to write a post about everything I'd done in my life since I'd last posted.  And that's how this monster gap between March and August came to be.  I apologize.

Since I'm lazy, ya'all get the quickie version of my life since March.
Here's what happened.  (May or may not be in chronological order)

  1. Graduated high school :D whoop whoop
  2. Went to Kissimmee, Florida with mi familia
  3. Went to HARRY POTTER LAND!!!!!!!! :):)
  4. Worked a whole freaking ton.
  5. Got yelled at by Miss-Bossy-Pants Manager for working too much... punched a box of pepperoni out of anger and frustration that such a horrible person would be allowed to exist for so long
  6. Did some other cool and not-so-cool stuff
  7. Moved out of mi casa and into my very own sort-of-apartment :D (double whoop whoop)
  8. Ran out of money :/ donations now accepted.
Yeppers.  That's pretty much it.  Oh, did I ever post about my car?  I think so.... I have a new car now.  His name is Artie.  He was born in 1982.  Here is our most common conversation:  (umm this is for dramatic effect and all ya'all should know that I don't actually speak to my car very much)

Laura: "Good morning, Artie! :)"
Artie: "Morning.  You should clean me."
Laura: "Maybe later.  Got places to go."
Artie: "That's what you think!!  I decided I'm not going to start today!! :)"
Laura: "Dang you, Artie.  You'd better start."
Artie: *Makes the 'car trying to start but not succeeding' sound a lot but doesn't start*
Laura: *Looks at car engine.  Realizes she knows nothing about car engines.*
Artie: *Laughs and enjoys making Laura late*
Laura: *Thinks* Perhaps this could be good and I can convince Dad that I need a new car...
Artie: "Just kidding!!!!  I'm going to start now.  I'm just going to make scary sounds and shake when you drive me over 40 mph! :)"
Laura: :(

That dang car.

Here's what I did today:

  1. Woke up at 6 AM
  2. Hit alarm off button
  3. Slept till 10
  4. Showered and stuffs..
  5. Drove to the university and found all my classes.  This was VERY exhausting.
  6. Got a parking permit and a school ID card
  7. Drove home
  8. Cut my finger on a pair of scissors.  Fortunately I'd previously bought some sweet superhero band-aids so now Wolverine is protecting my cut :)
  9. Tried to finish unpacking
  10. Slept
  11. Blogged :)
I decided I'm not too cut out for college life yet.  But hopefully I'll get better at it.  In the meantime, I'm headed home tomorrow to see my dear old friend Cheyenne and pick up some extra hours at my old work.  So while I'm there, I can secretly steal some food from my house and forget about grocery shopping for a while. :)

Here's a picture of me and my two amazing friends graduating!

This is my OCD sandcastle at Cocoa Beach Pier in Florida.

Have a super live-on-your-own-eating-stolen-food day!! :)
