Monday, September 17, 2012

A mental breakdown and chemistry class

My lunch today was ice cream, which is 100% meat-free.
Then I had a mental breakdown about my life.
Then I told myself to grow up and tried to get over my mental breakdown.
Then some random guy that I don't know informed me that he thinks I'm fat.
Mehh.  So much for growing up.

I'm in chemistry class right now.  Chemistry is my least favorite class, because I'm not too good at chemistry and the class is enormous and the teacher is ineffective and the textbook is poorly written and the desks are gross and there are no outlets to charge my computer so it's always nearly dead so I have to choose between blogging and taking notes on Microsoft Word.  But I feel the need to vent today, so all my notes are gonna be old-school notebook style.  It's a good think I have sweet pencils or this would really mess up my day.

My chemistry teacher is from Austria.  Every day at the start of class, he says "please get out your clickers", but his accent makes it sound like "puh-leeze git out yo cleekers".
Now whenever anyone says the word clickers in front of me I hear cleekers in my professor's voice in my head.

Bleh.  My computer is dying.  I'm going to turn it off and plug it in when I get to biology.

I don't know who looks at/reads this blog, but if you do then I want you to know that I appreciate you.  And you should follow this blog so I know that you're here and don't feel like I'm typing at nobody.  And you should tell your friends how cool I am (with lots of exaggeration) so they'll come read/follow this blog too.


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