Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Epic pants story :D

I accidentally slept in a bit this morning, so I was worried about getting to my chemistry lab on time.  The thing is, I can't speed when I drive to school in the morning because when I'm in town there's tons of traffic and when I'm on the freeway my car won't exceed 65 mph.  So getting to school can't be accelerated in any way.  However, I got ready for school pretty quickly, so through that and good driving decisions I managed to make it to chem lab exactly on time.
But then I discovered the fatal error I'd made.
In getting ready for school so quickly, I forgot that I'm not allowed to wear shorts to chem lab... just in case I accidentally spill hydrochloric acid on my legs.  So I wore shorts today because I was in a hurry and because I was so happy that I shaved my legs last night.
Long story short, the teacher kicked me out.  She said I had 15 mins to find a pair of long pants or I couldn't participate in the lab today.
Now I thought that this would be just fine, because I parked pretty close to the chemistry building.  And I'm constantly changing clothes in my car, so I was pretty convinced that there would be a pair of pants in there, even just pj pants or dirty work pants.  But when I got there, there were none!!  2 pairs of shorts and 3 jackets and some socks and a pair of shoes and about a million shirts were in my backseat and trunk, but no pants. :(
So what with me being a genius and all, I ran my little tail off to the campus bookstore because I know they sell sweatpants.  So I figured I'd just buy a pair of sweatpants and leave the tag on them and then return them after.  (Dishonest, I know, but karma will get me and all will be well....)
Wanna know how much a pair of girls sweatpants cost at the bookstore?  $50.  And I knew I didn't have $50 on my debit card and I sure didn't have that much in cash.
So I looked in the guys section.  I purchased the very ugliest/cheapest pair of guys sweatpants for $30.  Bleh.  At least I can still take them back.
So then I ran back to my car, realized I accidentally left my purse at the bookstore, strip changed in the parking lot, and ran to chem lab.
This entire thing took 14 minutes.  Pwned. :)
After chem lab I had to run back to my car, strip change again so the pants won't acquire any evidence that I actually wore them, run back to the bookstore and locate my purse which was unharmed, and then run back to my car to move it cause my parking time limit was up.
All this running must've earned me an ice cream cone or a little somethin somethin like that.

Now I'm at the park feeding ducks.  I think they're starting to recognize me.  But that's good because I'm always really nice to them.. I never try to pick them up or chase them around like some people.

I realized today just how messy I've become.  I've been so busy that I haven't had time to do laundry or wash dishes or clean out my car or anything.  I'm sensing a weekend of anal-retentive OCD cleaning.

I have a pretty intense list of stuff to get done today, so I'd better get working on it.  But I'll post again later today.  I promise.

Have a super awesome day!

1 comment:

  1. That is an amazing story! You obviously have pwned it! :D
