Friday, September 21, 2012

Running out of gas and my sleeping in problem

Hey blog-readers!!
It's friday friday gotta get down on friday!!!! :D
And I love fridays cause I have no classes so I get to sleep in!
But last night I fell asleep at like 10:30, and usually I don't get to sleep till like 12 or 1, so my body decided that it would be acceptable to wake up at school time today.
So even though my alarms were all off, I woke up at 4:00 this morning and had to pretty much force myself to go back to sleep.  And then I kept waking up periodically until about 8, and then I really went back to sleep and slept until 12:15.  And I only woke up now because my bladder was going to explode.  But I'm satisfied with sleeping for 14 hours cause that's almost 4x's more than what I normally get.

My car ran out of gas yesterday when I was feeding ducks.  And I don't have a gas can in my car, so I went on an epic journey trying to find someone in the park who would let me borrow their gas can.  None of them had one but I had a bunch of people look at me like I was retarded.  I walked to 7-11 so I could buy a gas can and then some gas, but they didn't even have any gas cans.  But the 7-11 worker guy felt bad for me so he gave me the gas can from his car.  I walked back to my car with gas and the day was saved. :)

Guess what I got in the mail yesterday......
Mayday Parade shirts!!!! :)
I'm so excited for their concert!

Have a fantastic friday!

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