Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Boring biology class

Let's not talk about that chemistry test.....

Here are the good parts of my day:  (Do not take this to mean that I had a good day... I'm trying to be an optimist here but it's really not legit)

1. Ate a vegan cookie, courtesy of the PETA people who came to the U today.  It was very yummy.
2. Got to biology on time.  Chemistry was short because of the test so I beat rush hour.
3. Discovered a new method of relaxation/happiness in my life.  Feeding ducks. :D  Awesome, right?  It was very fun.
4. I get to go back to Brigham tomorrow night. :)
5. Decided to pretend I have spending money and hit up Menchie's Frozen Yogurt after class.  Today was stressful, so I've convinced myself that I deserve it.

I'm in biology right now, at the Sandy U campus.  My teacher's teaching stuff that I already know, so I feel really dumb taking notes.  But then I don't want to get carried away not paying attention, so I'm doing my best to say off of facebook/youtube/sites with yummy-looking recipes/etc.  Blogging seems okay though.  I might start doing this more.

I just looked up the vegan cookie company... those little suckers cost $2 each!!  That makes me awful sad, cause I honestly felt good about eating such a yummy cookie without harming any animals.  I guess I'm not getting any more.  Thanks, PETA, for paying a crapload for me to have a vegan cookie.

Eukaryotes.  Phospholipid bilayer.  Blah blah blah.  I pretty much took the same class in high school.

I can't wait for this class to go on a break, cause I really need to pee.
That's cause I was so happy my chemistry test was done, I bought a big diet coke from Sonic on my way to Sandy.  And now I've digested all of it and it's going to make me explode.

Wanna know the great thing about my blog?  If I ever realize that all the stuff I post on here is stupid and embarassing, I can go edit it and all ya'all will never know.

I'm going to try to take some notes or something.
Have a fantastic day.
Especially to those of you who are in Russia, because my blog stats have been telling me that there are lots of Russians reading The Seuss Project.


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