Monday, September 24, 2012

National Punctuation Day

Good morning, blog-readers!

Today is National Punctuation Day, and to honor it I am going to try to use proper punctuation in this post.  I really do try to punctuate well on my blog, but I understand that I miss some commas sometimes and stuff like that.  I'm going to try really hard on this post.  Also, my usual smiley faces are not correct punctuation.  Colons and parentheses were not invented to be used for such things.  So this post is going to contain ABSOLUTELY NO HAPPY FACES.  Sad, right?

Here is a website (given to me by StumbleUpon) all about National Punctuation Day:

And here are some famous quotes about punctuation:

"No iron can pierce the heart with such force as a period put just at the right place." - Isaac Babel
That one is probably my favorite, however I only read about half of them because I have homework to get done.

In my sophomore year of high school, I had English with Mr. Yates.  One of our assignements in his class was to memorize the 20ish rules of comma usage and be able to recite them.  So guess what I did... I WROTE A COMMA SONG!  That song rocked.  Unfortunately I remember less than half of it now, and I don't do public singing performances, so none of you get to hear it.
On the plus side, I found you another punctuation song, and this one is starring singing cats. :)

In this blog post I've tried to include each type of punctiation discussed on the National Punctuation Day website, however I've neglected to include brackets because I couldn't find a place to put them.  Everything else is in this post though, although I may have misused the ellipsis that I snuck in.

Have a fantastic National Punctuation Day.
Love, Laura
(I don't think my regular sign-off is good punctuation either...)  (Is that proper use of an ellipsis?)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I need this to be my phone's wallpaper.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

I can't finish The Hunger Games!!!!

Hiya bloggers,

So if you remember THIS POST RIGHT HERE, then you'll know that I have issues finishing movies that I watch late at night.
Tonight I'm watching The Hunger Games, and I thought I'd be okay on this one because I really like this movie and I don't have pressure to wake up early tomorrow morning.
But it's happening again!!!!
Katniss and Peeta are just starting to get all googely-eyed at each other and Peeta's leg is all healed and stuff, and I CANNOT WATCH THIS MOVIE ANYMORE.  Bleh.
So I'm gonna read a book or something until I'm tired.
Which won't be for a while because I woke up crazy late this morning, and I'm used to staying awake for 20 hours at a time.
If anyone out there has any ideas to help me finish movies in one sitting, please tell me because I'd really like to know.

Have a good night/early morning.  (I'd usually be awake by now :/)

Gale is way better than Peeta.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Running out of gas and my sleeping in problem

Hey blog-readers!!
It's friday friday gotta get down on friday!!!! :D
And I love fridays cause I have no classes so I get to sleep in!
But last night I fell asleep at like 10:30, and usually I don't get to sleep till like 12 or 1, so my body decided that it would be acceptable to wake up at school time today.
So even though my alarms were all off, I woke up at 4:00 this morning and had to pretty much force myself to go back to sleep.  And then I kept waking up periodically until about 8, and then I really went back to sleep and slept until 12:15.  And I only woke up now because my bladder was going to explode.  But I'm satisfied with sleeping for 14 hours cause that's almost 4x's more than what I normally get.

My car ran out of gas yesterday when I was feeding ducks.  And I don't have a gas can in my car, so I went on an epic journey trying to find someone in the park who would let me borrow their gas can.  None of them had one but I had a bunch of people look at me like I was retarded.  I walked to 7-11 so I could buy a gas can and then some gas, but they didn't even have any gas cans.  But the 7-11 worker guy felt bad for me so he gave me the gas can from his car.  I walked back to my car with gas and the day was saved. :)

Guess what I got in the mail yesterday......
Mayday Parade shirts!!!! :)
I'm so excited for their concert!

Have a fantastic friday!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ice cream haiku

Hey blog readers.
I'm in School & Society right now, and I never post from this class cause it's usually really interesting.  But I'm feeling kinda burnt out today, so I don't want to discuss racial discrimination in the job market or whatever today's thing is.  I really do usually like this class though.

As soon as this class is done, my weekend gets to start. :)  That's cause I'm not going to my chem lab discussion tonight, cause I already read over my lab for next week and it's not worth sitting around until 6:00 just to go to that.  This weekend I'm going to clean my bachelorette pad, and I'm very excited for it to be all spick and span again.
Read that.  It was kind of interesting.

1 more hour of this class.  I should write do something to pass the time.  I'll write a haiku.

Ice cream is so good
Especially chocolate
But it makes me fat.

I made that up like on the spot.  If that's not skills then I don't know what is. :)
Mehh.. this post is done.
58 more minutes of this class.


Laundry ramble

Dear blog readers,

It is 1:02 AM and no longer Talk Like a Pirate Day, so I can put my facebook back on regular English and type this like a regular person.
I'm waking up at 4:30 AM because my first class starts at 7ish and I need to shower and study and find some clean clothes before I attend that class.
Speaking of clean clothes, remember how I said I haven't done laundry for a while?  (Did I say that?  I remember thinking about blogging about that, but I don't remember if I actually did or not... if not, I haven't done laundry for a while!!)
Well here are some more details on my laundry for those of you concerned:

I do laundry in a very special way that nobody else truly understands, therefore I don't let anyone else touch my laundry.  I didn't just make this up for fun.. it's actually like a real thing.  Like one day my mom wanted to be nice so she washed all my laundry while I was at school, and I freaked out in my head and washed it all again the Laura way.  But I didn't tell her that because I didn't want to hurt her feelings, so if you're reading this, Mom, I love you and thank you for washing my laundry that one day.
The bad part is that washing laundry the Laura way is VERY time-consuming and I don't happen to be be dripping with free time now that I've started college and adultiness.  So I convinced my head that it's okay to cheat the Laura laundry system for 3 things: jeans, my Domino's uniform, and towels.  I've never been worried about any of these things getting hurt/bleeding/shrinking in the wash, so convincing my head wasn't too bad.  Also these things are all in short supply, so I have to wash them frequently and it's good that I can wash them like a normal person.
It turns out that besides washing jeans, my Domino's uniform, and towels, I haven't done any laundry since I moved here.  Like I said, I'm crazy busy.  Ever wonder why most of my posts come from me sitting in a class?  That's why.
The not-so-cool part about this is that I now have a mountain of clothes in my hamper/falling onto my floor from 5 weeks of living here.
The cool part is that I still have some shirts left.  Like, they're definitely not my best choices, but it's not like I'm wearing anything dirty or torn or too small or stained or anything like that.  I didn't think I owned so many shirts, however that would explain how I kept running out of hangers when I moved.
I also have a large array of jackets to choose from in case I get sick of my shirts.
Don't think I'm a richie little snob... I get all my clothes for DIRT CHEAP!!  Or I borrow **cough cough** steal **cough** them from my sister.
I'm doing laundry on friday.  It's been so long since I've worn something with ninja turtles on it......

I'm gonna go sleep for like 3 hours.  Cause this post is getting rambly.  And my internet connection is being weird.

Have a super dooper night.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy, mateys!
Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day, so all we landlubbers must be talkin' like pirates. :)
I en't too good at me pirate-talkin', so ye'll have to batten down the hatches bear with me.. savvy??
I only was learnin about this day yesterday, when I stopped by Whole Foods again to visit me new matey and I met an old salt named Sean who told me of it existin.  Now I don't want to be missin out on anya tha' fun, so I've been spendin' the day pretendin to be a true buccaneer.  Aarrrr!!

Alright, so I've used up pretty much every usable pirate phrase on this site RIGHT HERE.... AARRRRRR!!  And like I said, I'm not too good at the pirate thing.  Shiver me timbers!  So I'm just going to add random pirate phrases into this blog post; coherence doesn't matter to pirates anyway.
Also, as much as I've been trying to pirate-talk, it doesn't work because I haven't really talked to anyone.  I gave up trying to text in pirate-talk, and I haven't talked to anyone on campus today.  However, I did order at a Burger King drive-thru today speaking fluent pirate!!  (I planned everything I was going to say beforehand haha)
I've also celebrated by changing my facebook language to pirate, however that's like secret celebration because it's not like anybody else can see which language my facebook is set to.  Thar she blows!!  I enjoy reading it though.

Talk Like a Pirate Day has its own website!

Here are some more pirate links for you:

You scallywags have a good day. :)
<3/Captain Laura

Epic pants story :D

I accidentally slept in a bit this morning, so I was worried about getting to my chemistry lab on time.  The thing is, I can't speed when I drive to school in the morning because when I'm in town there's tons of traffic and when I'm on the freeway my car won't exceed 65 mph.  So getting to school can't be accelerated in any way.  However, I got ready for school pretty quickly, so through that and good driving decisions I managed to make it to chem lab exactly on time.
But then I discovered the fatal error I'd made.
In getting ready for school so quickly, I forgot that I'm not allowed to wear shorts to chem lab... just in case I accidentally spill hydrochloric acid on my legs.  So I wore shorts today because I was in a hurry and because I was so happy that I shaved my legs last night.
Long story short, the teacher kicked me out.  She said I had 15 mins to find a pair of long pants or I couldn't participate in the lab today.
Now I thought that this would be just fine, because I parked pretty close to the chemistry building.  And I'm constantly changing clothes in my car, so I was pretty convinced that there would be a pair of pants in there, even just pj pants or dirty work pants.  But when I got there, there were none!!  2 pairs of shorts and 3 jackets and some socks and a pair of shoes and about a million shirts were in my backseat and trunk, but no pants. :(
So what with me being a genius and all, I ran my little tail off to the campus bookstore because I know they sell sweatpants.  So I figured I'd just buy a pair of sweatpants and leave the tag on them and then return them after.  (Dishonest, I know, but karma will get me and all will be well....)
Wanna know how much a pair of girls sweatpants cost at the bookstore?  $50.  And I knew I didn't have $50 on my debit card and I sure didn't have that much in cash.
So I looked in the guys section.  I purchased the very ugliest/cheapest pair of guys sweatpants for $30.  Bleh.  At least I can still take them back.
So then I ran back to my car, realized I accidentally left my purse at the bookstore, strip changed in the parking lot, and ran to chem lab.
This entire thing took 14 minutes.  Pwned. :)
After chem lab I had to run back to my car, strip change again so the pants won't acquire any evidence that I actually wore them, run back to the bookstore and locate my purse which was unharmed, and then run back to my car to move it cause my parking time limit was up.
All this running must've earned me an ice cream cone or a little somethin somethin like that.

Now I'm at the park feeding ducks.  I think they're starting to recognize me.  But that's good because I'm always really nice to them.. I never try to pick them up or chase them around like some people.

I realized today just how messy I've become.  I've been so busy that I haven't had time to do laundry or wash dishes or clean out my car or anything.  I'm sensing a weekend of anal-retentive OCD cleaning.

I have a pretty intense list of stuff to get done today, so I'd better get working on it.  But I'll post again later today.  I promise.

Have a super awesome day!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Weird ending to the staring movie

That movie had the weirdest ending.
Like, I don't know how to feel now.
There's even staring in the trailer.

Like Crazy and staring scenes

I'm practicing my multitasking by blogging while watching a movie.  The movie is called Like Crazy, and if you've seen it you'll know that it's awfully cute but also really confusing.  There's lots of scenes that make you think "Now what exactly are they doing?" or "How is this at all relevant to the storyline?"  Also, there's lots of scenes where the boy and the girl just stare at each other for like a minute straight.  If I skipped all the staring scenes, the movie would probably be like 25% shorter.

I think I'm going to get my hair cut on Friday.  But I guess that won't even really matter because I don't think that many of you actually know what I look like.

Whoa, the guy in the movie just called his not-so-good new girlfriend his old-but-way-better-and-British girlfriend's name.  And she's secretly pissed.  Dang.
At least they don't stare at each other.

I have work tonight I think, but I'm not sure because my manager at Sandy Domino's is really bad at making our schedule.  Here's our conversation when I left work on Sunday.
Courtney: "I think I'll probably schedule you for Tuesday, so show up then."
Me: "Okay, what time?"
Courtney: "Well I haven't started schedule yet.... Umm I'm guessing 5."
Me thinking: I wish that I were at BC Domino's with Billy who does the schedule on Fridays so I always know when I'm working.

Awww... the guy married the British girl in the movie. :)
And they're staring at each other again.

Bleh.  I'm out.

Optimism and awesomeness

Hey blog readers,

Do something awesome today.
I'm gonna do something awesome today, but my awesome thing is secret for the time being.  If all goes well, I'll tell you about it someday.

Really you should do something awesome every day, becuase it is YOU AND ONLY YOU who has the power to make each day awesome.  Of course there are losers who will try their darndest to make your day not awesome by cutting you off in traffic or yelling at you or invading your personal space, but you don't have to let them ruin your awesomeness.

That's the optimistic speech of the day.  Because my awesome but secret thing that I'm going to do may or may not be somewhat crazy.. I honestly don't know.  But typing all that made me feel quite better and it took away that impending doom feeling that you get occasionally.  I'm trying to be happier with my life, thanks to Lindsay from BC Domino's and all the other great people in my life.  Optimism is honestly really hard for me.

Here is a quote for you:

"If an optimist had his left arm chewed off by an alligator, he might say in a pleasant and hopeful voice, "Well this isn't too bad; I don't have my left arm anymore but at least nobody will ever ask me if I'm left-handed or right-handed." but most of us would say something more along the lines of "Aaaaa!  My arm!  My arm!" - Lemony Snicket

I think I'm gonna go do that secret awesome thing.
Have an awesome and happy day.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Winnie the Pooh :)

Whoever you are, whatever is going on in your life, I hope that this made it a little bit better.


Puppies!!!! xD

I decided that I really really really really really want a puppy.  Like crazy bad.  I want a puppy that has already been trained not to pee on my carpet, but one that will stay puppy-sized and puppy-adorable forever.  Sadly, I don't have time to take care of a puppy.  I'm barely home as it is, so the puppy would just sit in my bachelorette pad and be sad and lonely.  Maybe I should get a houseplant.

I'm in biology right now, but I'm thinking I might leave soon because I already know all the things that this lady is teaching so all I'm doing is blogging and eating and stumbleuponing and looking up puppies on

That's it.  I'm leaving.  Sue me.

I'll talk to all ya'all later.

A mental breakdown and chemistry class

My lunch today was ice cream, which is 100% meat-free.
Then I had a mental breakdown about my life.
Then I told myself to grow up and tried to get over my mental breakdown.
Then some random guy that I don't know informed me that he thinks I'm fat.
Mehh.  So much for growing up.

I'm in chemistry class right now.  Chemistry is my least favorite class, because I'm not too good at chemistry and the class is enormous and the teacher is ineffective and the textbook is poorly written and the desks are gross and there are no outlets to charge my computer so it's always nearly dead so I have to choose between blogging and taking notes on Microsoft Word.  But I feel the need to vent today, so all my notes are gonna be old-school notebook style.  It's a good think I have sweet pencils or this would really mess up my day.

My chemistry teacher is from Austria.  Every day at the start of class, he says "please get out your clickers", but his accent makes it sound like "puh-leeze git out yo cleekers".
Now whenever anyone says the word clickers in front of me I hear cleekers in my professor's voice in my head.

Bleh.  My computer is dying.  I'm going to turn it off and plug it in when I get to biology.

I don't know who looks at/reads this blog, but if you do then I want you to know that I appreciate you.  And you should follow this blog so I know that you're here and don't feel like I'm typing at nobody.  And you should tell your friends how cool I am (with lots of exaggeration) so they'll come read/follow this blog too.


Introducing: Meatless Mondays :)

Hey, blog readers. :)
It's Monday Funday, and I don't really mean that because if you read my last post then you know that I only slept for like 2 hours last night.  But I figure that an ounce of optimism can't hurt, so I'm trying to incorporate some fun into my Monday.

But this morning I thought of something better than Monday Funday, and that is Meatless Mondays!! :D
I want all ya'all to know that I was under the impression that I invented this entire concept myself, but to stop myself from looking dumb on my blog I googled this idea just couple minutes ago, and it turns out that I am definitely not the first person to think of this.  Check out the site below, and you can read all about the people who sort of own Meatless Mondays.

So I'm still sort of on this health food thing... my original rant can be found IN THIS LINK RIGHT HERE.
And if you remember last week, I talked to some PETA reps at school and they gave me a yummy vegan cookie.  They also gave me some pamplets, and when I was looking over them I saw that one said, "If every American skipped one meal of chicken per week, the carbon dioxide savings would be the same as taking more than a half-million cars off U.S. roads." and "You save more water by not eating a pound of beef than you do by not showering for six months."  (Direct quotes... fancy, right?)

So I figure that even though I'm not going to go veg, I at least can cut back.  So from now on (at least until I forget or give up) I'm going veg on mondays.  Vegetarian every monday, and maybe vegan on special mondays when I have time to sit around and read ingredient lists on packages all day.

Mondays rock for this, firstly because of the sweet alliteration in Meatless Monday.  It's kinda fun to say.  Secondly because nobody really does fun stuff on monday (even though it's also Monday Funday :D) so I won't be put in situations involving restaurants or barbecues or other meat-related places.  It'll just be me and my microwave/hot plate.

Anyone else reading this blog, I invite you to go 1/7 veg and observe Meatless Monday with me.  Twill be fun.

For more stats on meat and vegetarianism, check out this site RIGHT HERE.
Are these stats accurate?  Maybe.  They could be stretched more or less to make a point.
Either way, it's something to think about.

Have a super great Meatless Monday Funday. :)

Can't sleep because of my computer

I can't sleep right now.
That's mostly because I haven't put my computer away yet.  Usually I'll get sleepy doing homework and have to make myself finish it, but I've still got some weekend on me so the sleepiness hasn't hit quite yet.  Once I put my computer to bed then hopefully I'll be able to fall asleep pretty soon, but each time I'm about to put it away I think of something I was going to look up or something I want to learn about quick... ya know, stuff like that.  And it doesn't help that for once I don't feel like dumping blogging to the bottom of the list, so here I am.  (Telling you about my problems, of course.)
This is bad because I'm supposed to wake up at 4:30 tomorrow morning.
Weekends mess me up.  I wish it were always the weekend so I can really sleep every day.
I can't wait for fall break.

After I hit the publish button for this blog post, I'm going to go look at my blog's stats really fast and then look at stumbleupon for 5 or less minutes.  Then I'm going to sleep.  At least that's my goal.

Have fun sleeping.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Vegans and the organic hype

So I honestly thought I wasn't going to finish Footloose, but I did just now so 1 point for me. :)

I tried to sleep today but ended up feeling guilty about it and doing homework.
Then I went to work.  At work, one of the drivers, Sean, mentioned Whole Foods Market to me while we were making pizza.  Then for the next couple hours after he brought that up, all I could think about was the super yummy pasta salad that I sampled at Whole Foods last time I was there.  So after work I meandered my way down to the Whole Foods by my house, hoping for some nommy free samples and double-hoping for a nommy sample of pasta salad or their nommy-but-psycho-expensive cake.

All this got me thinking about organic and vegan stuff.
I was a vegan for like 2 months (minus 2 days that I cheated, but that's a pretty good track record) and a vegetarian for a while after that.  I did it for a school project that was essentially reseaching veggie culture, so it included the whole PETA package that comes with it.  PETA2 (the more fun, teen and young adult-designed side of PETA) still sends me friendly texts on holidays and stickers in the mail sometimes.  Being vegan was just fine, except that I was really busy when I went veg so I didn't really have time to go somewhere like Whole Foods and get anything like THIS.  And regular grocery stores in lil ol' Brigham City don't have that kind of stuff.  So I pretty much spent 2 months eating breakfast cereal (with soy milk, of course.... not too nommy but okay) and PB&J sandwiches.  Then I got my job at Domino's and started eating pizza, so the vegan thing ended.

Here's what I learned from being vegan:

1. You don't need meat to make you happy or to make you healthy.
I ate peanut butter and got a bunch of protein from that, and I never really missed meat all that much.

2. Just because you are vegan does not mean that you are healthy/sick.
Many people who enjoy foods with meat/butter/eggs/etc. tried to convince me that removing these things from my diet would automatically destroy my health and well-being.  On the other hand, the PETA site tells you loads about how healthy vegans are and how they never have high blood pressure or diabetes or heart failure.  Neither of these are the case.  I know a bunch of vegans/vegetarians who are very healthy, but I wasn't being healthy at all when I was vegan because half of what I ate was peanut butter (fat) and jelly (sugar).  And the concept of veganism is fairly new, so saying that non-vegans are unhealthy suggests that nobody in the world has ever been healthy before the invention of veganness.

3. Your excuses to not be vegan are mostly pathetic, so I'd think of some new ones if I were you.
It's cool if you do/don't want to be a vegan, especially with me because I don't even know who you are.  You could eat only rice pudding and it's not my problem and I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.
But here's the most pathetic think I heard from people when I told them about my vegan project: "I could never do that.. I just love meat/(insert any other animal product here) too much."  When you say this, you imply that every person who chooses to be vegan does not enjoy eating meat.  Here's a fun fact for you: **Most vegans were not born vegan.**
Now I know what you're thinking, and that is "Wait a second, Laura.. do you mean to tell me that most of these veggie people were raised eating what I think of as regular food, and they made a lifestyle choice when they decided how they were going to eat?"
Yes, that is what I'm saying.
There are some other excuses that I heard that also sucked, but I don't need to go into that.
Before you make an excuse for why you're not something that is unfamiliar to you, think it over first.  That way you won't embarrass yourself.

4. Vegans are cool.
So are skaters and geeks and emos and nerds and pretty much any other stereotypical group we can dump people in.  Of course some specific people suck; that's life.  But don't judge groups because that's very unfantastic of you.
Here's a secret.  Every time you stereotype or judge someone, The Seuss Project sends a text message to me telling me who you are, where you live, and what I'll most enjoy dumping in your hair while you sleep.  I've been receiving far too many of these texts and I feel like it's time to go dump some stuff in some sleeping people's hair.  (If you don't have hair by choice then I will accomodate.  If you don't have hair because of old age then shame on you; your wisdom should have taught you not to judge people by now.  If you don't have hair but instead have cancer, I will not do anything to you; keep up the good work but don't judge people.)

5. Go veg for a good reason.
Want to lose weight really fast?  Bad reason.
Want to follow a crowd/be a snob?  Bad reason.
Want to take care of your body in a way that you think will be best for you?  Good reason.
Want to help animals/the environment?  Good reason.

Now the organic hype.
Lots of the foods in Whole Foods aren't actually vegan (disregarding the produce section, of course).  I'd think that this is because it would be hard to recreate foods that are traditionally nonvegan in a vegan way.  But many (maybe all) of the foods in Whole Foods are organic.
If you are reading this in a country where the word organic means nothing special to you, then organic = "no crap was used to grow this product; only legit product stuff."

Besides having a reputation in our society as being healthier, organic food is also known for being crazy expensive.  This is why I don't actually buy anything at Whole Foods; buying one meal can easily take up 2 days worth of food budget without blinking an eye.  So the real question is, are the benefits worth the price?

Don't google this.  You'll either find one site and believe it forever, or you'll get ambitious and dig through all the crap until you're just confused.  Pretty much any site you can read on this will be either very liberal or very conservative about this, so none of the facts will match up.

The answer is maybe.

It's recently been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine that "organic food in neither more nutritious or any less prone to bacterial contamination than corresponding, conventionally grown foods."

However, there are flaws in that statement.  Firstly, I don't know who published that and for all I know he could be one of the conservatives so his evidence could be a little bit topsy-turvy.  Secondly, nutrition and bacterial contamination are only a couple of the benefits associated with eating organic.  Others include pesticide contamination and environmental factors, which this statement doesn't mention.

Also, one more thought.  Organic does not automatically mean healthy, same as my vegan point #2.  You can make an organic Big Mac with no problem, as long as you start with only organic ingredients.  That won't stop it from having 700 calories and 50 grams of fat.  This is about making lots of good decisions; you can't just make one decision and then everything's fine.

Through all the blah-blah, here's my conclusion.  I cannot afford to eat organic because I'm a poor college student, so I will continue to eat pesticide-exposed apples from Smith's.  However, if you feel differently, then go for it.  The Whole Foods crew are really nice and I'm sure they'll be thrilled to see you shop there.  But don't go and make a decision about what you're going to put into your body based on an MSN article or something a guy at a farmer's market tells you or what your friends are doing.  Do some research and make an educated decision.

I don't think I'll ever eat 100% organic or anything like that, but someday when I have real spending money I'm definitely coming back to Whole Foods for their yummy organic pasta salad.

This post was not supposed to be so long.  I was actually worried that I wouldn't have enough to say about this and that this would be another useless post.
Maybe it's still useless, but it's not short.
And my opinions are out of my head, so my rant is now complete.  And I can go on to more important things in my life like finally getting to sleep.

There's more to my Whole Foods adventure (which does NOT involve me eating a pasta salad sample... *sadness*) and I was going to add it to this post, but now I'm not cause I'm really tired.  I'll try to post about it tomorrow, but as you may know by now there's like a 70% chance I'll forget.  But it is pretty interesting so maybe I'll try to remind myself.

Have a super wonderful morning.  (I say that because this is the time I'd be getting up on a school day...)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

My movie-watching problem

Here's my problem:
When I watch movies at night, I can't finish them.
Like if I really sat down in front of a real TV with a quilt and a diet coke, then I can finish any movie with no problem.
But if I'm in bed and watching a movie on my laptop or a mini DVD player or something, I cannot get to the end.  I watch it about 2/3 of the way through, until it gets to that kinda slowish part right before the actiony exciting part.  But then I decide that I'm done watching for the night and I'll finish it the next day.  But then I never finish it.
I've done this for pretty much my whole life.

So tonight I've been watching Footloose (the new one) and I really do like that movie.
But now Willard knows how to dance and Ren is trying to write his speech and he's all sad about his mom and leukemia and the slow/sad music is playing, and I'm so done watching this.  But part of me wants to see the end.  Bleh.  I'm conflicted.

Solution to my movie-watching problem:
Watch movies during the daytime.
I never do this during daytime.  Like ever.
Sadly this solution won't really work because I spend all of my daytime as well as a large portion of my nighttime doing school-related stuff, leaving me no time for movies.

Solution to the problem with my solution to my movie-watching problem:
Drop out of school and work for Domino's forever.  And spend my daytimes watching movies.

I'm gonna sleep.  I'll watch the end of Footloose tomorrow.
Have a fun night.

Friday, September 14, 2012

So I feel like this blog has become like 70% me complaining about my life.
When I check out the stats, I know that nobody's really reading it, so I thought it was okay.
But today I had this thought.  "I'm giving away a fair amount of personal information on this blog.  Someone creepy could potentially compile the information and use it to kidnap me."
I'm not actually too concerned about this happening, however if it does I'd prefer that the blog stalker actually had to read through some real, decent blog posts to find me instead of just a bunch of whiney mumbo-jumbo.
I don't know if that makes any sense.
Also, if I post things that show that I'm an interesting person that someone would want to use their precious time to read about online, maybe more people will read my blog.

So to help me complain less, I'm going to skip over all of the crazy bad parts of yesterday (and there were several) and just mention the good stuff.

For starters, I met a very nice man yesterday who told me that he's a retired elementary school teacher.  He gave me some very good advice and cheered me up a lot.  I like cool people like that.

I'm back in Brigham City right now. :D  I got to visit my family and some friends and dye my hair and visit Brigham Domino's and other fun things.

I bought Mayday Parade shirts!!!! :):)  (Don't you dare tell me I can't afford them.)

Speaking of shirts, I really like the shirt right HERE.  It brings a smile to my face.

I started writing this blog post like 45 minutes ago, and then ended up screwing around on the internet for most of that time.  So I'm gonna go do something less internetish and enjoy my last bit of time in Brigham for a while.  Then I'm headed back to the bachelorette pad and then to Sandy Domino's.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Essay is done :)

Alright, so it's not the best essay I've ever written, but it's also not the worst.
And considering that 2 hours ago I didn't even know what my topic was.... well that's pretty impressive.
Six pages isn't all that much but I'm pretty dang proud of myself.
I've got one more bit of homework to get done tonight and then I get to sleep till like 4.
But at least I'm not failing the class yet. :)

Writing an essay and wishing I were asleep

Here is a letter from a loving Laura fan:

Dear Laura,
I'm a big fan of your work.  I also think you're super cool.
However I have a question for you.
Why are you awake and writing an essay when it is clearly 1:00 in the morning?
Love, Steven

Dear Steven,
I'm awake at 1:00 in the morning writing an essay BECAUSE I'M STUPID.
There, I said it.  Bask in my fallen ego.
Love, Laura

Maybe someday someone will send me a real question to answer.. haha

So... yeah.  I have an essay.  And it is due at 7 AM.
But did I write it before now?
Because I'm stupid.

I was kind of good at faking essays in high school but I don't know how that will fare in college.
I guess a sort-of essay is better than no essay at all.

Wanna know what my essay is about?
Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I've Been to the Mountaintop" speech.
If you're unfamiliar with that, it's like a less popular version of "I Have a Dream", most likely less popular because it's far less interesting.

I've been reading/writing for about an hour now and I've got three pages.  But that's double spaced, so it's not all that much.  I don't know how long the stupid essay is supposed to be, but I'm guessing around five or six pages.... nothing too bad.  So I think I'll write until I have nothing else to say, and if it's more than six pages I'll go through and remove all the crap from it.  And if it's less than five pages I'll go through and add some crap to it.  Either way I'm getting this stupid essay done.

I'm not cut out for college.
I should just work at Brigham City Domino's forever.  That'd rock.  Except I'd be poor.

So I've pretty much already written an entire page's worth of stuff on this blog, and that's only taken me ten minutes.  I wish that writing essays were this easy.  Some days I really don't know what to say to the blogging world, so I end up sounding dumb or I just don't post.  But other days are like this (like when I can reject the responsiblity of writing essays at 1 AM and instead write crap for the internet) and I can type stuff nonstop.  But I can't ever really type essays nonstop.  Unless they're for Mr. McConkie, who was my high school teacher.  If I gave McConkie a crap essay, I'd get like a 95.  And if I worked my little tail off and gave him a good essay, I'd get like a 97 at best.  Or usually just another 95.

Whoa, I just got more fan mail. :)  Here ya' go...

Dear Laura,
Go work on your boring essay and stop writing crap all over your blog.
Nobody even reads your blog.
And if someone did read your blog, they wouldn't read this far in your super-long post anyway.
Love, Steven

Thank you, Steven.  **full of sarcasm and tiredness and annoyance and sadness that this is actually true**

Okay, well I'm gonna go write the essay.  And then hopefully sleep.
Have a good night.  And have fun sleeping... :(


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Boring biology class

Let's not talk about that chemistry test.....

Here are the good parts of my day:  (Do not take this to mean that I had a good day... I'm trying to be an optimist here but it's really not legit)

1. Ate a vegan cookie, courtesy of the PETA people who came to the U today.  It was very yummy.
2. Got to biology on time.  Chemistry was short because of the test so I beat rush hour.
3. Discovered a new method of relaxation/happiness in my life.  Feeding ducks. :D  Awesome, right?  It was very fun.
4. I get to go back to Brigham tomorrow night. :)
5. Decided to pretend I have spending money and hit up Menchie's Frozen Yogurt after class.  Today was stressful, so I've convinced myself that I deserve it.

I'm in biology right now, at the Sandy U campus.  My teacher's teaching stuff that I already know, so I feel really dumb taking notes.  But then I don't want to get carried away not paying attention, so I'm doing my best to say off of facebook/youtube/sites with yummy-looking recipes/etc.  Blogging seems okay though.  I might start doing this more.

I just looked up the vegan cookie company... those little suckers cost $2 each!!  That makes me awful sad, cause I honestly felt good about eating such a yummy cookie without harming any animals.  I guess I'm not getting any more.  Thanks, PETA, for paying a crapload for me to have a vegan cookie.

Eukaryotes.  Phospholipid bilayer.  Blah blah blah.  I pretty much took the same class in high school.

I can't wait for this class to go on a break, cause I really need to pee.
That's cause I was so happy my chemistry test was done, I bought a big diet coke from Sonic on my way to Sandy.  And now I've digested all of it and it's going to make me explode.

Wanna know the great thing about my blog?  If I ever realize that all the stuff I post on here is stupid and embarassing, I can go edit it and all ya'all will never know.

I'm going to try to take some notes or something.
Have a fantastic day.
Especially to those of you who are in Russia, because my blog stats have been telling me that there are lots of Russians reading The Seuss Project.


Stupid quantum mechanics have to mess up my life....

I have my first chemistry test in 4 hours.
Until I started this class, I was under the impression that I was pretty okay at chemistry.
But college has squashed that impression and all chemistry-related self-esteem from my system.
I don't understand the quantum mechanics stuff in it.
I didn't learn any of that in high school. :\
And I asked a chemistry major to explain it to me, and he just said a whole bunch of mumbo-jumbo that made no sense and then left.
Hopefully I can figure some of this out before my test.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mehh I dunno what to call this

Dear blog readers,

Yesterday was CRAZY busy.
I drove back to Brigham and spent all day running around trying to get things done.

Here's the good parts of yesterday:
Toured the Brigham City Temple (after standing in a massive line for like 2 hours)
Got my dad to fill my gas tank :)
Convinced my mom to take me grocery shopping.. now have food for the next week
Saw some people that I really miss :D

Today's not quite so good, but I'm not gonna go into that....

I'm headed to work at 5.  Hopefully it'll be good.
