Wednesday, February 20, 2013

F*#% pizza

So for those of you who don't know, besides being a total nerd who enjoys making pizza for a living, I'm also a super-workaholic.  I just started my new job in Bountiful, and I was hired on as part-time.  Last Saturday I spent the day stressing about how I hadn't accomplished enough that week, but found out later that day that I'd already hit overtime.  So, yeah.

I work freaking tons, which doesn't bother me one little bit.  (I actually really like it.. weird, I know.)  But the lousy part about spending the majority of my awake-hours at work is ALL I EVER EAT IS PIZZA.
Yeah, I'm not freaking kidding you.
Lots of days I don't wake up in time to eat breakfast at my house (or I forget to buy milk.. fml) so I just skip breakfast and eat as soon as I get to work.  Then my day consists of running around like a crazy person and making pizzas for people, and whenever I get a couple minutes I eat even more pizza.  And if that's not enough I sometimes bring pizzas home after work is done.
All that is great because I pretty much never have to go grocery shopping, but it's also pretty gross because I bet I eat more pizza in a month than some people eat in their entire lives.

So today I had the day off.  I was supposed to go to the lousy PRT class that I have on Wednesday nights, but it got canceled and by the time I found out it was too late to get a work shift.  So now I'm just sitting around the house being a loser.

Just a few minutes ago I decided I was hungry, but I don't have much food at home so I was gonna pull myself together well enough to go buy something for dinner.  I didn't know what I wanted, so I turned to my trusted and amazing friend, the internet, for advice.

Google sent me to a sweet little quiz that someone had put together entitled "What Should You Eat For Dinner?"  [[[You can find it by CLICKING RIGHT HERE.]]]
I filled out the quiz, and you wanna know what it said?

!@#$%^&* my life.  !@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*
I'm gonna head out to the grocery store and see what happens, but I'm sure not eating pizza on my night off.
That pizza is undertopped. ^^^^  And cut weirdly.  And I'm a nerd.  I know.
I owe Ri about a million prizes.. when I stop being so dang lazy I'll give them to her.  And also take care of my blog some more.

1 comment:

  1. AW, YEAH YOU DO. :) I will have all the prizes in the world!! ;)


