Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Shopping fail

I posted a couple hours ago (find it right HERE or possibly below) and told you all how I had no food (and no life) because I'm not at work cooking/eating pizza.  Fortunately, I've gone grocery shopping since then!!!! :D

I wasn't even going to go.. I was actually planning on starving all night just so I could remain lazy, but I discovered a Redbox movie that was a couple days overdue and I was very determined to return it before 9:00 before they could charge me more money.  That's how I ended up at Walmart, buying things I don't need.

Here's what I bought:;:;:

  • 2 boxes of cereal
  • 1/2 gallon of milk
  • Yogurt
  • Diet coke and lemonade (not pictured because I didn't feel like carrying them inside)
  • Applesauce
  • Weird orange Mexican soda (??)
  • A chocolate bunny
Wow, that's a shopping fail if I've ever seen one.
I guess the cereal and applesauce and stuff is normal, but I don't even really know why I acquired the orange soda stuff.  Umm.. I don't know.

I think that whenever I go shopping then I go into some sort of magical trance that looks like I got hypnotized by Kaa from The Jungle Book or something.

 And then I walk around for a good half hour and add things to my cart, regardless of their relevance.

Today I added wine glasses to my cart.  It took a good three or four minutes for me to realize that,
1) I don't drink wine,
2) I don't have money to spend on wine glasses, and
3) I have absolutely no reason to ever need wine glasses.
So I put those back.
LJ fail.

As for the beautiful chocolate bunny pictured, I have an actual explanation.
Chocolate bunnies are probably my second favorite food in the entire world, right after ice cream.
They're lousy though, because I have to wait all dang year to be able to eat them.  So from February 15 until a week after Easter, I cram those little things down my face like it's nobody's business.
He looks a bit like a horror movie bunny in this picture;;
Here's me destroying him!!!  Muah ha ha! >:D

He was tasty. :)
If I were not a poor little college student, I'd buy a chocolate bunny for everyone who reads my blog! :)
If I were super duper rich, I'd buy a chocolate bunny for EVERYONE IN THE WORLD!! :D:D

Have the best day ever.

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