Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sickness and balloons

This is the fourth blog post I've written today, but the first one that wasn't a cheater blog post.
I feel like I've been blogging FOREVER!!  That's okay though, because I love you guys.

I am so sick right now!!  I get tummy-sick a lot, but I don't think I've had a regular old common cold in like 2 years.  So now that I'm all sneezy-coughy-stuffy-nosey, I don't know what to do!  I sure wish my mom were here to take care of me... dang adulthood.
When I moved to the bachelorette pad I went on a little freakout and bought myself enough stuff to fill a hospital (most of which I've never used) (my superhero Band-Aids are LEGIT) so I dug out some NyQuil and took some of that. 
Now since I don't get sick with colds and stuff, I can't remember the last time I had to take NyQuil so I really didn't know what it would do.  I've heard that it knocks you out pretty well, so I got all ready to sleep but then never got tired.  Instead it's just made me really slow and pretty stupid... like I was playing mahjong before I started blogging (cause I have no life :3) and I kept trying to match up tiles that didn't really match.  I don't know if being stupid is a real NyQuil side effect, but I'll have you know that stupid is in no short supply here today.
I think you're supposed to eat soup when you're sick but I don't have any so I've been eating lots of cereal.  I also ran out of bottled water so I've drank like 6 cans of Black Cherry Fresca.
I'm a failure as a sick person.

I start my new job tomorrow night, which I'm super excited/nervous for.  I'm really just hoping that I get better before I start work, because I know I'll be slow and grumpy if I'm still sick.  And I'd really like my new coworkers to like me and not think I'm a retard, ya know?

Things to do when I get better:
1. Clean bedroom
2. Do laundry
3. Wash dishes
4. Vacuum car
5. Homework
6. Stop sucking at life

Now that that list ^^^^ is published on the internet it will either
a) inspire me to do it, or
b) make me feel like more of a failure when I glance at this post a couple months from now and realize that I STILL have not vacuumed my car.

Here's a story for you::::::
Last friday I was in Brigham City visiting my parents, and after having a lovely lunch with my mom I got a text from my best friend ever Fatty Epic Fail asking me to come and save her from the torturous institution that is high school.  So I started driving down to the school to get her, but I took a bit too long and she was already in her 5th period class.  She was gonna do the old ask to go to the bathroom but actually leave forever thing but then the teacher wouldn't let her leave.  (Probably because Fatty's a notorious class-skipper.)
Fatty Epic Fail asked me to block my number, call the school, and pretend to be her mom saying that her aunt was in the hospital and that she needed to be checked out immediately.
I, however, have seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and I know how well all this worked out for them.  And since I have maybe 8% the luck that Ferris has, that stunt would most definitely end badly for me.
So I told her Mandi no, I would not lie about her dying aunt, but that I would instead come see her after 5th period.  This left me with 36 minutes to kill, so I was just driving around and enjoying the superior sound system of my parent's car.
Then I was suddenly struck with a fantastic idea:: I should fill Mandi's bedroom with balloons.
At first I didn't think I could do it in time, but after a couple minutes of wasted time I decided that trying to do something and failing was better than driving around and polluting the world for half an hour.
So I sped like a mofo to Walmart, which was like 3 miles away.  I jogged to customer service (I tried to sprint but my hat kept falling off :/) and told the lady there to fill random colored balloons with helium as fast as she could while I ran (jogged :/) to party supplies to get even more balloons.  I was only in the store for about 2 minutes, and I left with like 100 balloons.  (Mostly empty ones that I intended to blow up... I could only buy 10 helium-filled balloons because I guess there's a national helium shortage.)
Then I sped like a double-mofo to Fatty's house and blew up balloons like crazy!  I got really sick and light-headed, but I got like 40 balloons filled before Fatty got out of class.
Then I drove (badly, because I was still sick) to the school and pretended like nothing had happened, leaving Fatty Epic Fail to come home after school to a lovely surprise from her best friend ever.

Here's a picture of the finished project:: [[There are lots more that you can't see in the picture]]

Okay, so that story was more interesting in my head.. now that I wrote it all down it's kind of boring.  But yeah.  It's my blog so I'll write what I want.


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