Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My name is LJ and I'm a clean-aholic

Hey, bloggers.

Here's today's dilemma::
I like to clean things.
Like, um, a lot.
I'm actually a SUPER messy person, deep down.  After the bachelorette pad gets all clean then it looks like a tornado hit it within a couple days.
But when I'm unhappy or stressed, I want to clean everything in sight.
There are some days that I clean the bachelorette pad (sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, sanitizing everything in sight; the whole shebang) and then I do it all over again the next day for no real reason.  Or some days after I've finished cleaning pretty much everything, I try my darndest to find new things to clean.

There are 2 reasons that made me realize that this cleaning thing is a problem.

1. As you may remember, I started my new job on Monday.  I spent most of my shift cleaning things, which is fine by me and appreciated by my less-clean-loving coworkers.  But today, I caught myself thinking something along the lines of "I can't wait to go back to work tomorrow and clean the store some more..."  Dead serious.  And then I was all like::

2. The toaster.
This ^^^^^ is my toaster.
I bought it from Walmart for about $8 when I moved, before I realized that I don't really like toast and it was not a good idea to buy it.
I have used this toaster exactly twice.  Once for toast and once for a pop-tart.
I have probably cleaned this toaster about 8-10 times.
I suck.

I should stop cleaning my feelings.

Thanks to the amazing 3 people who followed my Twitter today. :) {{especially @MariahMelena}}
I forgot I had it, but now I'm using it again.
So 10 awesome points go to anyone who follows @TheSeussProject on Twitter. :D


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