Saturday, February 2, 2013

Groundhog Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Groundhog Day!! :):):):)
I hope you all enjoy your early spring.
(Yeah this is another cheater blog post... sorry)

Personally I'm not really the holiday type.  My family doesn't make too big of a deal about birthdays and Christmas and things like that, and since pizzerias don't close too often then I usually end up working on most holidays.  Holidays just mostly seem silly to me (especially Saint Patrick's Day, but I'm not going to get on my soap box for that one.... YET.)
But I really like Groundhog Day.  I think that it's super legit and awesome that we have a holiday that is so random and childish and just super fun.  So, yeah.

You will all be happy to know that SPRING IS COMING EARLY THIS YEAR!!!!
While they were writing all about war and poverty and the national deficit and other imporant things, the Washington Post wrote up THIS SUPER INCREDIBLE ARTICLE RIGHT HERE about Groundhog Day and Punxsutawney Phil not seeing his shadow.  So go read it... It'll make you smarter. :)

Punxsutawney Phil is, of course, the most legit and amazing groundhog of Groundhog Day, so if you click HERE you will find a fantastic infographic all about him and groundhogs in general.

Also at that website I found this picture::::

I dunno what any of you think, but I think that is dang creepy looking.
Doesn't that groundhog look like he's going to murder you in your sleep or something???

So have a happy early spring, and don't forget to enjoy your life.

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