Thursday, February 7, 2013

Too much time on YouTube

Hi guys! :)
It's 1:51 AM right now, and I should be sleeping.
But instead I'm watching oldschool Vlogbrothers videos.
I haven't been watching these guys for too long, but they're pretty cool and they care about the world not being miserable so that's great. :)  If you haven't seen them then check them out RIGHT HERE.
I discovered tonight that one of the guys who makes the videos also turned out to be the author of one of my favorite books, Looking for Alaska.  So that's pretty cool.

In other news, I stopped cleaning my house like a crazy freak because my landlords came home and went to sleep and I really don't want to wake them up.  Instead I did less useful things, which was quite un-fun and led me to spending an hour on YouTube.

Speaking of YouTube, this is sad:::

That's a screenshot of my most popular websites.  YouTube is #2.  I think YouTube is amazing but I spend way too much time on there.
While we're looking at this, why is Amazon #4??!?  Wow.  I really don't have enough money for Amazon to be #4.
The Seuss Project used to be #4 but I accidentally hit the little "X" in the corner of the icon last week, so it disappeared for a while and hasn't come back yet.  Lamesauce. x/

I think I'll try to sleep now.. (haha, like that'll happen)
I leave you all with an adorable orca whale cartoony thing::::::::

Have a good night.

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