Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Mystery package in the mail

Hey guys.
How is your day?
Since I am not there to hear your response, I'm going to assume that your day is incredible.
I'm glad you're having an incredible day. :)
So am I.
My first day of work went well yesterday, and although I got home quite late (actually early in the morning) it was quite enjoyable.  I'm feeling less sick today, but instead of doing productive things I mostly did YouTube-like things.

But then:::: *cue dramatic music*
I received the mystery package.

My landlord brought a box down to my bedroom and said it had arrived just moments ago in the mail.  It was all taped up with Amazon logo tape, so I was quite confused because I haven't ordered anything from Amazon lately.
The following is what was inside that box::

A book full of yummy-sounding vegetarian recipes. :)

DVDs of The Ring and The Road to El Dorado. :)

And a whole ton of silly bandz and friendship bracelets. :):)
Now the stuff is fairly cool (especially all the bracelets) but I don't know where it came from.
There are two possibilities:
1. Someone hacked my Amazon wishlist and sent me random, medium-priority items from it,
2. I am buying things in my sleep.  O.O
If it is #2, then that is SO BAD!!!!
Aahhhh!  How do you break a buying things in your sleep habit?
I dunno, but I sure don't have money for that sort of thing.
On the bright side, I have veggie corn dogs for dinner tonight. :D

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