Monday, February 4, 2013

Thank goodness for modern medicine

Good morning, blog readers!
Oh gosh, it's not morning.  I'm just bad at waking up on time so it feels like morning....

Today is the first day of my new job. (except I'm gonna be doing exactly the same thing that I did at my old job and the job before that...)  Hopefully it'll go well and nobody will think I'm a weirdo crazy person, ya know?
The worst part about starting my job today is that I'm still sick.  My voice was so friggin' ridiculous when I woke up this morning;;; I almost recorded it and posted it on here so all ya'all could here how funny I sound when I'm sick.
However, I was quite convinced that my new coworkers wouldn't think my sickie frog voice was as cool as I thought it was, so I drove to the grocery store and bought some DayQuil and Mucinex and those mad me feel way better.
Thank goodness for modern medicine.

So yesterday I was just laying around all day trying to get better, so I looked like crap and my whole bachelorette pad was messy and gross.  [[And I drank 13 cans of soda!!  Gross....]]  I was just hanging out in an old tank top and my undies cause I thought that nobody was home and it's not like I was getting out of bed too much.  But after a while I had to get some more tissues, so I went to my bathroom to grab a new box.  When I came out, there was a RANDOM HOT GUY IN MY BASEMENT!!!  And I freaked out.  I didn't know how he got there or if he broke in or if he knew my landlords or what.  And I was in my undies (not cute ones haha) looking like I got hit by the sickness train.  I had absolutely no idea what to do.
I had a deer-in-headlights moment, but after I recovered from the shock of it I ran back into the bathroom and pulled on some pajama pants.  Then I went back out and he explained to me that he was my landlords' grandson and that he was there to look at the water heater.  So I pretty much had a freakout for nothing, but still embarrassed myself pretty well.

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